In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope”, President Barak Obama stated that the Founding Fathers “..rejected..the ideology..of any tyranny that could lead future generations to a one inalterable course or lead majorities or minorities to the cruelties of the Inquisition, the pogroms, gulags or jihads.” (page 103, translation from the Portuguese version is mine). With such a declaration, Obama really stuck his foot in his mouth. I am sorry, Obama, but you do not seem to understand that not even the most perfectly organized and most well developed political structure of a nation is no guarantee that such a country will not practice cruelties. Virtue and respect for one’s neighbor and his rights do not come from separation of powers or the Federalist papers, but from the hearts, minds and souls of men and women imbued with the gifts of the Spirit of God and His grace. That is the only true security against man’s inhumanity to man. That is why even the Founding Fathers, in their earnest search for a well balanced governmental structure, still added that our nation was to be recognized as one under the sovereignty of God. They trusted Him more than their own projects or ideas of a balance of powers to protect the rights of citizens. If Obama thinks that now he will perfect our political structure and make it sin proof without the necessity of a God, the Tower of Babel he thinks to construct will miserably crumble to pieces.
America is not a perfect country nor did it prevent cruel practices in its past. It too, has had its black pages in history and the blackest one is the present. 35 years of murdering its own American unborn children represents its worst period and with Mr. Obama in power, there will be no end to the slaughter for the future. To kill an unborn or born child through the horrible crime of abortion is much worse than the Inquisition, pogroms, gulags or jihads. Our much praised and admired American democracy has realized more unjust and cruel tortures towards the most defenseless and vulnerable human beings than have realized the strictest and most oppressive dictatorships towards their own adult people. America, unfortunately has failed as a nation, not because of its political structure, but because of its deep immorality and lack of respect for the basic right to one’s very life. Democracy in America ended on January 22nd, 1973. Since then we have been under the cruel rule and dictatorship of a medical and judicial technocracy.
Obama is against a tyranny that could lead future generations to a one inalterable course, yet isn’t he and his democratic cohorts doing exactly this with the abortion issue? Why is it that this question, more than any other one, was railroaded through the Supreme Court with not the least chance of having it discussed and studied by the Congress, the people, the scientific community, the religious leaders of the country, etc.? Why is it that if by any chance, abortion could be outlawed, multiple organizations and the media raise themselves up in alarm and fury and muster all their diabolical energies to make sure that no such thing takes place, yet no other issue is addressed with such energy, obsession or fanaticism? Why can certain matters like war, legality of arms, taxes, immigration, death penalty, etc. in diverse periods be allowed and made legal and other times not allowed and made illegal, yet no one gets upset with the legislative changes made in their respect. Abortion is the only issue that society fights tooth and nail to never change, but feels a shiver of terror if even a chance of outlawing it exists!! What makes this issue so different from the others? It is because it will be an eternal source of money for profiteers. The sex urge is something inherent in a person’s nature. It will never die. Through the urge, people involve themselves in genital acts and the girls get pregnant. The next step then is the money made from abortion. What a great deal! Conceived babies, like McDonald hamburgers, will never go out of style or existence, but serve as a constant source of revenue. Abortion, therefore, must last as long as America itself. It is necessary, however, that to shut up the oppositionists to abortion, a strong legislation is needed to secure it once and for all in the books. Obama will be the man to see to that. So, Mr. Obama, you are adamantly against any tyranny that could lead future generations to a one inalterable course, yet you are just that very tyranny defending the unquestionable and unchallengeable abortion industry of America. Why is it that your democrats’ robots can disagree amongst themselves on any issue they wish, but not allowed to disagree on abortion? Why they are all silent on this matter and bow their heads in common submission to it? Who is exactly this mafia that controls your very mind and wills?
Anthony Mellace