quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

The Almighty divinity

In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope” President Barak Obama revealed the depth of his profound stupidity when he stated that the Founding Fathers did not believe in “absolute” truth. What on earth is an “absolute” truth??? A truth either is or is not. A truth is simply one or else it is a lie. There is no such thing as an absolute, relative or half truth. Half truth is just another term for a lie. Truth is synonymous to being and therefore it is or is not.  If by use of the term “absolute” Obama is trying to say that the Founding Fathers really had doubts about what they were writing in the Declaration of Independence or our Constitution, then he is dead wrong. On the contrary, the Founding Fathers were so comfortable, sure and convinced of the truth that they even called some to be “self-evident” principles needing no proofs or logic to sustain and defend them. They took common sense for granted, something that Obama has wandered long away from.
What Obama is trying to do is to really undermine the foundations and principles on which our country is based and built upon through complicated and tricky sophistic arguments. He is trying to do away with truth altogether and establish his own which everyone will be obligated to obey. It is interesting to note how many times Obama mentions the theme of abortion throughout his book. Did he really get involved in politics to have this horrible evil established once and for all? Why so much sly interest in the question on his part? Is he part of an international and national conspiracy to get abortion ideologically accepted by everyone? Is that his reason for becoming president? So now he is saying that during the period of Reagan and Bush, the truth prevailed that what is in the mother’s womb was a human being. Under the regime of Clinton and Obama, the child was and is no longer a human being. If you believe that truth is not absolute, as Obama claims, but something relative, then it changes with every administration. The fountain and source of truth is no longer nature or God, but Obama himself, the great divinity in power and authority. The Founding Fathers, according to Obama, were therefore wrong in believing that there are pre-established sacred truths coming from God as their source. No! Truth is something that comes from the one lucky enough to get himself into a position of command! Pravda! Remember the Communist idea of Truth? It is the State that dictates and defines truth and no other entity is permitted to do this! So our author does not believe in an objective moral order, or in truth and the principles in which our country depends on for her existence. What is he doing here anyway? Why doesn’t he go back to Indonesia and try these ideas out there? Why is he trying to dupe the American people and catch them with their pants down? Why did people vote for him instead of seeing him as the sneaky fox that he truly is? I truly pity our poor ignorant nation!
Anthony Mellace

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