quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

The Enemy Within

On page 100 of his book entitled “Audacity to Hope”, president Barak Obama states that “…I identify ideologically with the vision...of the Constitution…that should be interpreted having a mutable world as the context...” (Translation from the Portuguese text is mine) If these words are not directly smack out of and expressive of a pan-socialist creed, I do not know what are.  Obama has now come out of the woods and clearly stated his intention as leader of America: to take over the country and make it part of the socialist revolution. The words he has spoken in his book and the actions he would like to realize are exactly the same ones that Hugo Chavez executed in Venezuela, Morales in Bolivia, Lula in Brazil and other socialists in their own nations.
Socialists do not believe in democracy, but feel that the ideology needs to be imposed and implanted by a dictatorship. That is why the first thing they attempt to do once they get into a position of authority through a democratic process is to consolidate and solidify their power by abolishing, modifying, watering down or Rendering  powerless or useless the nation’s Constitution.  In other words, they destroy the very democratic process that they took advantage of to bring them to power. They despise the Constitution and simply see it as a bothersome stumbling block that gets in the way of their ambitions and goals. Obama has been too long away from American soil, living in nations foreign to our democratic institutions and ideals. He has been tinged with and infected by socialist ideals and beliefs and cares little for the true and authentic values of our country that identify us as free Americans. Never has America been in such danger of losing its hard won rights and freedoms as it is now with this sly enemy in power. He himself admits that it is lamentable that the socialist ideals of the 60’s were never put into practice in America and that he did not realize as a member of a socialist movement in his youth. Why does he only choose people from age 30 to 40 as his counselors and cabinet members? Does he, Like Hitler, only want advisors who have no memories of the past and therefore represent no danger for him to cite America’s traditional values and heritage? If Americans do not wake up to what this sleek speaking double tongue has planned for our nation, we will end obeying the dictates of a pan-socialist world order leader. For Obama, our Constitution is not something with defined laws, concepts and rules, but something that could be twisted, turned and interpreted to enforce and justify any decision that he himself will make (as have done all other socialists in their own nations). It is not Obama who will obey the Constitution, but the Constitution that will now express the almighty will of this foreign influenced self-made god.
Anthony Mellace

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