sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

Obama's Favorite Movies

On page 71 of his book entitled “Audacity of Hope” the elected President of our country Barak Obama stated that “...I like HBO and I don’t care what adults watch in the recess of their homes...” (The free translation from the Portuguese version of the book is mine). This is the man who is going to lead our nation and in whose hands lays the moral responsibility of millions of American families. First, he declares that he enjoys the pornography that he assists, and second, he does not give a hoot if such trash enters into the intimacy of marital and family life. He also implies that, as a legislator, he is going to do absolutely nothing in relation to the presence of moral filth in the media. He will simply ignore censorship and allow nudity and sex to freely flow into the hearts and minds of American men and women.
Pornography corrodes the human soul and brings to an animal-like and brutal state. It destroys all types of moral, family and religious values. Pornography is genital sex effectuated in isolation by means of vision. Pornography is the reduction and closing of the mind and heart to all genuine human values, abandoning these faculties to only the sexual one. Suddenly, the human person, by means of film presentation, is turned into an object of genital gratification for the viewer.  The viewer, in this sensual experience, has become blind to the true and authentic meaning of the body and dignity of the human person. Maybe that is why Obama cannot perceive anymore the dignity of the unborn child (due to the great amount of impurity in his heart). A viewer dominated by this type of solitary sex is also generally deaf to the voice of love. Pornography, in essence, is incompatible with love.
People accustomed to practice visual impurity end up with a cold heart. They fall into spiritual blindness and have a depraved, empty and defective type of personality. The more they fill their hearts with moral filth, the more empty and depraved is their daily life. For the impure, nothing mysterious or sublime exists in sex. They become subject to their instincts and do not care with whom, when or under what conditions genital sex is practiced. It is interesting to note that with the rise of pornography on TV, rapes, child abuse and sexual violence in society has also risen proportionately. Of course, Obama does not care about that because he will be too busy watching his HBO movies.  Impurity destroys, devours and disintegrates the being of a human person. The impure person is a living dead, internally defunct, spiritually morbid. His vision is opaque and he cannot perceive the world of values around him. God help us with this blind man leading a likewise blind nation. They will all fall into the pit!
Anthony Mellace

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