quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Obama's Garbage Money

As everyone knows, our illustrious national leader Obama lifted the ban that prohibited American dollars from being used in foreign countries to murder unborn children. Now I ask: with what right does this arrogant cockroach president act to put his nose into the private and domestic affairs of our world neighbors? Can you imagine the embarrassment, insult, humiliation and disrespect that nations feel when American crime organizations, with the approval of our naïve president, come to them in our name and offer them blood money to reduce their populations because they are a threat to our capitalist economic system? No wonder Americans are hated in the world! If one of these countries reacts in rage and punches us in the eye (as happened with 9/11), we feel resentment and blame the other side for our woes. Our Lady at Fatima said that Russia would spread her errors throughout the world, but she should also have mentioned the evil that the USA also provokes. Do we think that we can simply attack the moral values of foreign nations that we don’t like and just expect them to swallow such grave affronts without striking back in righteous anger? Maybe I should write a letter to the President of Brazil and ask him to send a generous amount of money to the Kenyan government and ask them to implant a national program to eliminate the old and decrepit, including Obama’s grandmother. I would love to see Obama’s reaction in having a taste of his own bitter medicine. If a young man were to rape the daughter of his neighbor, how would the whole family feel about such a despicable act? What sort of attitude and treatment would he receive from them?
Obama says that he is worried about the economic crisis, yet he can afford to send 250 million dollars to assassinate foreign babies. What sort of crisis is this? Why didn’t he use these 250 million dollars to create more jobs for the unemployed in America? Why is America so preoccupied with the populations of nations that have nothing to do with her? They don’t need her blood money; they can very well take care of their own matters. They have much wiser leaders with better and more humane solutions than the one proposed by our shameless donkey president. Some people think that the 250 million dollars are sent to finance pre-existing abortion clinics outside of the USA. It is nothing of this sort. The money is employed to implant aggressive anti-birth campaigns and extreme liberal abortion laws by paying foreign leaders to dedicate themselves in seeing that such legislation is approved. That is what happened in Brazil. International Planned Parenthood, the Ford Foundation, Feminist organizations, etc. all sent money to certain “Judas’s” within the socialist party to change the country’s Constitution and liberate abortion in the nation. They attempted this five times in the past, but failed miserably. The Catholic hierarchy, pro-life organizations and other religious groups involved themselves vigorously in the battle and motivated the population against the proposed laws. We had some pretty astounding victories and life triumphed on this side of the world.
Now Obama’s blood money in Brazil has awakened other traitors to attempt abortion for the sixth time now. These stubborn and obstinate jackals never quit. They don’t realize though, that our pro-life forces are ready to take them on again. The Socialist party, in their third national meeting with President Lula, reaffirmed its position on abortion and promised to continue to have it approved in Brazil. Backed by our American tax dollars sent overseas to these socialist hyenas, they are now animated to remove the law protecting the unborn in Brazil. With the alarm ringing in the country, the pro-life forces have mobilized themselves. On March 28, 2009, a strong protest on the part of the population took place simultaneously in all the central squares of the capitals of each Brazilian State. Obama can send all the money he wants, but he will be surprised when he realizes that he hit a wasp’s nest here and will be stung hard in his pride. I remember once of a favela built on the side of a cliff. Those who lived on the top would throw their garbage into a small creek that brought it down below. The garbage piled up and bred rats. The lower part of the favela became infested with the rodents that invaded and entered into the homes.   Those who lived below became resentful with the inhabitants at the top of hill who threw the garbage in the water that polluted their environment. The despicable Obama has thrown such low down material on this side of the world and raised the Brazilian rats and vermin intent on spreading moral diseases amongst the population. May God have mercy on this sick and perverted mind that is our so-called hope of the world!
Anthony Mellace

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