quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Obama's Nation without a Foundation

In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope” President Obama mentions and considers issues like abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality to be “personal” matters and decisions. If that is true, then what is the use in trying to defend, build on or promote laws based on an objective moral order? By stating and declaring that some moral questions are personal ones, one has undermined and destroyed the very foundation and structure of all basic values and created a Babylon of moral relativism.  With this sort of belief and teaching about morality, Obama has shown that he is, in truth, a practical atheist. God does not exist for Obama, and the last word on morality comes from his own selfish will, instinct, commodity and greed. Obama believes in a world of little individual gods who decide and trace out their own moral path and practice. There is no pre-established objective moral order inherent in nature put there by God Himself for men and women to base their laws on and respect. God and nature do not exist, and one’s selfish whims and caprices are the supreme rules of life.
Abortion is the intrinsic evil of butchering a defenseless, innocent unborn or born child and to Obama, this is simply a personal matter that the State will see that no one interferes with. Euthanasia is the intrinsic evil of killing an old, defenseless and weak human being by his doctor and nurse. This is a personal decision that Obama will guarantee the medical profession to realize. Homo-eroticism is the intrinsic evil of maintaining an emotionally tortured human being in the prison of his loneliness. Obama will make sure that he will not escape to freedom and maturity from this sentimental hell. What makes abortion, euthanasia and homo-eroticism to be a personal decision and issue and not others likewise? How are they different from pedophilia, child pornography, collective violence, injection of heroin, personal vengeance on someone who insulted me, etc? Aren’t these also personal decisions and matters? Where does one draw the line or limits? Once you open this Pandora’s Box, the principle applies to all situations.
What a pity! Barak Obama taught Constitutional Law at Chicago University and the man knows beans about it! This empty headed professor that taught his students all about the document on which our country is constructed, is a believer and promoter of moral relativism, something which the Founding Fathers absolutely rejected! Why did he run for president to begin with? Why did he run for senator or assemblyman? If he himself doesn’t believe in laws or an objective moral order, what is the use of holding a position of authority? Everyone, according to him, is mature enough to make their personal decision. Once you make of yourself a self-established deity, nothing is above you:  God, president, Constitution or federal laws. You are now the supreme law maker of your own final destiny. Obama does not seem to understand, as the Founding Fathers did, that you cannot form a society without basic building blocks like a belief in God and the sacredness and defense of human life. Obama’s book should really be entitled “Madness to Deity” because this is the real audacity he is looking for: a society based on selfish playboy whims free of a God and respect of human dignity and rights.
I believe that we should all start a movement to have Obama impeached immediately. The day that he swore to uphold our Constitution, he committed perjury, since he does not believe in the God he swore to or in the defense of human life that the Constitution guarantees to all of us. He lied and in truth, swore to promote his hedonistic playboy philosophy and mentality that despises and puts under the sole of its feet all of the sacred values that our country has cherished throughout its history. This dangerous type of character despised the precious values of our nation and worked towards establishing his own personal dictatorship since no one is above the idol he worships within his own heart.
 Anthony Mellace

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