quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

White Wolf in Black Sheep's Clothing

In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope” President Barack Obama says that he recognizes the equal value of every individual. This, of course, is one more of his lies. He does not recognize the right to life of an unborn or born child and denies them their God given human and civil rights as persons and individuals. In other words, in blind obedience to the criminal practices of the Democratic Party, he discriminates against this particular class of people. His party should no longer be called “democrat” since this is a false name. “Demos” (people) do not rule since a portion of them are allowed to be murdered and denied all their civil rights in society. They should be renamed the “adultocrats” or even “adulterocrats” (since one of their members practiced adultery). Unborn or born children are not recognized by them as legal human beings.
In 1973, the Supreme Court stated that the unborn child was not a human being since they claimed there was not sufficient scientific evidence for this. Today, this sort of reasoning is no longer valid. Genetics has come a long way since then and made amazing and important strides and progress. We are now in 2012 and not 1973. We cannot use the arguments of that period to continue justifying the murder of innocent children. The evidence now is overwhelming in favor of a child’s life and his existence as a human being. Why do politicians, especially Democrats and Obama refuse to recognize this, especially when they pride to call themselves liberals, progressives and men open to and defenders of scientific advances, researches and accomplishments? I have no doubts that they know that what is in the womb is truly a human life, but refuse to defend this being formed in God’s image. They commit the grave sin and crime of sinning against the light. There are two basic reasons why Democrats and Obama accept the abortion industry: the financial profits involved in it and its use as an effective means of population control.
Abortionists pump thousands of dollars into the Democratic Party and therefore, this political group will always defend the criminal practice, not caring about the fact that it involves the taking away of a child’s life. Second, true to their socialist leanings and philosophy, the Democrats need to get rid of a part of the population if they want money and material goods to abound for the portion that was allowed to live. This has always been the macabre solution of socialists in every country they took over beginning with Russia in 1920. Socialists and Democrats have no real solutions to society’s problem except that of murdering the ones they feel cannot be a part of the birthday party since there is not enough cake to go around. The only difference with Obama is that he will now include the old and decrepit on his list.
There is a difference between a person with black skin and one that carries the heritage of an Afro-American descendent. One is not necessarily the other. The true Afro-American has an Afro-American heritage. What are these values? I remembered how I loved that book called “The Tales of Uncle Remus”. Uncle Remus represented the collective incarnation of the best and most precious values in an Afro-American: humility, joviality, simplicity, goodness, love, and deep spirituality, respect for the weak, old and delicate ones, family values, tolerance, forgiveness, openness to others, etc. Obama has nothing of an Afro-American in him, except black skin. A true Afro-American would never promote horrible things like abortion, euthanasia or homo-eroticism, things so foreign to their nature and ethnic heritage and values. In truth, Obama is a traitor to the values of the very group he comes from. Behind his black skin is a traitorous white soul. If he were an authentic Afro-American, he would shine in these values and defend human life at all its stages like a real hero, instead of a cowardly weakling. People think that just because he has dark skin that he automatically represents values of a Negro population. What if McCain was a black and Obama a completely white person? How would people vote then? Would they choose a black Republican or a white person with an Obama charisma? Would Oprah Winfrey donate millions of dollars to a Black Republican? Not all that shines is authentic gold! In my region of New York, the two Democratic politicians of Italian-American origin are a shame and disgrace to their race, since they defend abortion, things against our heritage and values. What makes an ethnic group to be one are not its negative failings and faults, but what it possesses as positive and enriching values, otherwise it loses its very identity and meaning.
Anthony Mellace

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