quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Convention of Fools

I feel so sorry for the USA. In its obstinate blindness it has finally lost all its sense of balance, common sense and morality. It will stagger like a drunken giant and fall in the pit that it has dug for itself. This nation will perish precisely for lack of leadership and vision. It has become a country of fools guiding fools. Now how is it possible to open the eyes of a fool and have him realize that he is one? The greatest disaster of a fool is that he really thinks he is a wise man. The Convention in Denver marks the final twilight of American civilization. Similar to the Jacobin mob that rolled off heads in Paris and ravaged and destroyed French society or the manifestation of Nazi power in the Berlin square that completely demolished Germany, so now is the stage set for the final fall of American democracy.
These proud peacocks truly believe they will change American society for the better and make it a prosperous nation once again. They forgot, however, that they have no foundation on which to build on. Health, education, social justice, etc is impossible without the strong structure of the family, human dignity and respect for the basic value of human life. This has been true throughout history in every civilization and those who do not believe this will sadly have to repeat it by suffering the same thing that each country went through for refusing these principles. Do they think that you can construct a happy and peaceful society on homoeroticism, baby murder, manipulation of human life, and other unmentionable horrendous practices that the democrats speak with such natural calmness and acceptance? Did the Roman leaders really think they could keep their civilization going while approving of sick entertainment of the masses with gladiator murders, burning of Christian martyrs and open orgies on public stages?
I thank God that I have gotten out of the USA in time. I do not want to be there when the great punishment will strike it. I feel much safer here in Brazil. If I were you, the reader who lives in the USA, I would get out of that marked nation which will soon feel God’s wrath and go to a place that is more secure and safe, just like the Jews that fled Germany before Hitler seized full power. Anyone out in an open field that sees an ominous and threatening dark cloud coming will pick up his things and run for shelter and safety. The time is short and it is best to get away while it is still possible to do so.
Anthony Mellace

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