terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Who am I?

Who is Father Anthony Mellace?

           If you have nothing interesting to do,then don't miss the opportunity to come and read Father Anthony Mellace’s articles, the fiery promoter of  a "new way", (dealing with an exciting and historical break-through in human relationships). Anyone who has listened to his talks has never been the same after that (for better or for worse). I guarantee that it will be difficult to hear the like of his kind. He has kept his audiences spell-bound for hours and astounded them by the depth, originality and freshness of his ideas. Come to read someone who still speaks in the style of a Church Father.

         Father Mellace is neither conservative nor liberal and because of
this, is persecuted and rejected by followers of both tendencies. Father
Mellace is too intelligent to reduce himself to such infantile,
short-sighted and foolish categories, but calmly maintains and firmly
adheres to a balanced vision of a mature, human lifestyle and mentality. He
is not impressed by the great majority of writers and thinkers in vogue
today, but has an extreme difficulty in accepting them. Any author that does
not have a "St." before him does not enter into his bibliography.

        As a youngster, Father Mellace would rip up playboy magazines in
grocery stores and tear down calendars of nude chicks from a mechanic's
shop. He felt enraged that society allowed women to be treated as sexual
objects and took the matter into his own hands. While being chased by the
angry owners, he would shout out a defense in favor of purity and decency as he ran for his life.  At age 14, he sent his first article to a local
newspaper exposing the abortion issue as an argument used by the rich to
legalize their irresponsible sexual activities and to show their disdain and
contempt for the sacredness of human life.

      In high school, he publicly debated his atheistic friends in
cafeterias, gyms, or classrooms trying to show them the stupidity and
futility of their disbeliefs. In the seminary years of formation, he
provoked his professors by chiding and calling them to attention for their
teachings that defended birth control or denied the authenticity of Sacred
Scriptures and the miracles of Christ. The dean of the University, tired and
upset by so much controversy, disputations and arguments, decided to
dispense Father Mellace of future classes and granted him his degree without
any further necessity of academic studies.

     Freed from the dead scholasticism of the University, Fr. Mellace
prepared and fed his mind and heart with the official teachings of the
Catholic Church, the encyclicals of the Popes, the works of the Church
Fathers and the writings of the saints. He also read up on all the works of
holy and scholarly professors and scientists as well as all the chief
enemies of the Church and society. He was now ready to take on the world,
the devil and the flesh itself.

   During his thirty years as a missionary in Brazil, Father Mellace was
fiercely persecuted by the followers of Socialism (including many high
clergy members) and expelled from parishes and towns no less than twelve
times. Father Mellace would not go along with their thesis, but proclaimed
aloud the social doctrine of the Catholic Church (as Pope John Paul II, time
and time again, had asked all the clergy to do in South America). Besides
being Marxist inspired, the socialists also were in favor of abortion,
homosexuality, divorce and re-marriage as well as Communion to be given
to these groups. For his constant defense in favor of the rights of the
poor, homeless, jobless, sick, old, young, oppressed, and down-trodden, he
was greatly loved by the simple and humble people of the country (just as
much as he was hated by the proud and covetous). Even many of the rich
admired and followed him.

   Having learned the secret of an affirming love, he amazingly converted
regions that were considered to be well-nigh, morally lost. The most violent
city in the world (Diadema, with 1,100 deaths per month), was transformed
into an area of peace and friendship. Everywhere he went, the affirmation he
practiced provoked a response of enthusiasm, joy and love in people. The
radio program that he started with an audience of 14,000 soon rose to over
1,000 percent (144,000 listeners). Out of the ten books he published, three
went through eight editions. The affirmation retreats he gave were often
commented for many months by the participants, after they were over.

Optional information:

         While in Brazil, Father Mellace also discovered the natural healing
power hidden in the herbs of the Amazon forest. If people knew what richness lay there, they would dispense of 60% of pharmaceutical products and 90% of our modern surgeries would be rendered unnecessary. Father Anthony Mellace doesn't even use so much as an aspirin for a headache. He would rather just make a tea of Artemisia leaves. For pains and backaches, a hot cabbage leaf applied to the area does the trick and alleviates the problem. For ulcers, collard green juice, coco water or a fruit salad with yogurt and honey is also curative. Father Mellace has planted, in his backyard, the "Avalos" and Aloe Arboresecens plant that he brought with him from Brazil. This plants has been successful in healing many Latin women of breast cancer.

        There are many conventional ideas in the area of medicine that
Father Mellace rejects. To him, the AIDS issue is the biggest hoax that the
pharmaceutical and medical profession ever invented. According to Father
Mellace, it is not possible for one simple virus to destroy our entire
immunological system. The real culprit is cocaine, crack and heroin and anal sex practiced by homo-erotics and the injection of anti-biotics. They
are the true cause. Anyone who swallows a small glass of bleach will also
destroy his entire immunological system, but no virus under the sun
possesses such power to do that. Father Mellace knows of many people with
AIDS who, after many years, did not die, but are still alive. He also says
that what kills a cancer patient is not the cancerous cells, but the
chemotherapy that destroys healthy cells. Father Mellace is adamantly
against the use of chemicals in any physical treatment as far as this is possible.

Salvation of the Rich and Poor

                          The Poor, the Rich and the Miserable

         The entrance into everlasting life, which is participation into the very life of the Holy Trinity, is a privilege granted to mankind through the free and bountiful mercy, goodness and love of God.

        God, however, desires that all men be saved and come to everlasting happiness. He wants to share His Divine Life with us. Since society is basically divided into rich and poor, Jesus did establish certain conditions for the salvation of each group. In order for the rich to be saved, it is necessary that they utilize their wealth in benefit of the poor who are in misery. There is a difference between poverty and misery. The poor have the basic elements needed to live, though they might lack certain comforts and privileges that the rich possess. The miserable poor, on the other hand, live in subhuman or inhuman conditions and lack the fundamental elements needed for a decent human life and survival.

         In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man went to hell and Lazarus to heaven. Even though the rich man was aware of Lazarus’ suffering, anguish and miserable conditions, he closed his eyes to the situation and continued his voluptuous life. For leaving Lazarus in his misery, the rich man merited the punishment of eternal chastisement. Lazarus went to heaven for patiently bearing up his pains and privations in peace and humility. Lazarus did not curse the rich man, nor attack and assault him, or become avaricious, envious and full of hate. If he had had these feelings, actions and attitudes, he too, would have gone to hell and lost heaven. We read, however, in the Gospel account, that no such evil came out of the mouth and hands of Lazarus. For this reason, he merited to gain everlasting life.

        The rich, therefore, have a serious moral obligation to help those in misery if they want to enter into the kingdom of God. They, don’t, however, have any duties towards the poor. If a rich man does not assist a poor person, he will not go to hell nor lose his soul because of this. This was the case of the young rich man. He had kept all of the commandments, and Jesus loved him for his fidelity. Jesus then told him that if he wanted to be perfect, to sell all his goods and follow His group. Jesus, in this case, was offering a counsel, a free choice, and not something obligatory. Pope John Paul II, commenting on this episode, said that the young man lost a lovely vocation, but not his soul. If a rich man, besides helping the miserable, also wants to be generous with the poor, he proves that he is living a greater and more perfect love and charity. This, of course, is his personal decision (which is highly meritorious), though not binding to him.

        Someone might ask: “If the salvation of the poor and miserable consists in patiently and humbly supporting their state of life and sufferings, would this not justify Marx’s phrase that “religion is the opium of the poor”? No, because the poor are encouraged to better their conditions and the rich exhorted to help them out. This is the essence of the social doctrine of the Church. Christ Himself came on earth to combat misery and establish a world of justice and goodness. God does not approve of the millions of human beings dying of hunger in the world, without protection, education, higene, etc. He wants to put an end to the thousands of abandoned children on the streets, the great number of unemployed or elderly people without social benefits. On the other hand, Jesus praised and loved the poor that were not avaricious, envious or full of violence because of the wealth that others possessed. He called these blessed and told them that their future inheritance was nothing less than the kingdom of God and everlasting life.

       It is for this reason that socialism and capitalism are such loathsome, despicable and hideous doctrines and philosophies. Such teachings have brought millions of poor people to eternal perdition, since they sowed and incentivated hatred, violence and deep envy in their hearts towards the rich and the goods they possess.

Father Anthony Mellace

The Elderly

                               Solitary Cross of the Elderly

                   I wanted to share some reflections that I have concerning the elderly. They are part of what I call "the vulnerable group" of society (along with the unborn, children, the physically, mentally and emotionally handicapped, etc.). Because of their fragile condition, they do merit our special attention, care and love.

                  One of the deep suffering the elderly go through is the loss of a spouse, which is very hard for them to support. It is understandable. They have practically shared a life together and truly became one. The death of their other half is, in a sense, a death they go through too. A Brazilian statistic showed that 40% of heart attacks take place among widows, divorced and separated couples, and are in truth, due to the loss of the beloved person. I think that a visiting angel could comfort a lonely elderly person by listening and talking frequently about the spouse they had lost. The elderly love to speak about and mention very much the person they shared a life with. It is a way for them to release the hidden pain they bear.

             A second suffering that the elderly go through is the absence of their children. Though they love them, they are sometimes too proud to ask their sons and daughters to visit them. They would love to be surprised by the spontaneous presence and communication of their children. In their old age, they miss their children greatly. A visiting angel, in a very delicate, prudent manner could somehow have the children be aware of how much their parents really miss them and feel their absence. The visit they might make should never be something obligatory, but truly desired from the heart.

            Of course, the elderly love any visit they receive. Loneliness is a terrible suffering. Visiting angels could arrange as many people as possible for the elderly person. This would really brighten up their world. The elderly also love to recount their past experiences and the times they lived through. A visiting angel should have much patience in listening to them and sharing in the joy felt by an elderly person telling his stories.

          The subtle thing about affirmation is that it has to be always adequate (or cut down) to the unaffimed person's world, or else it doesn't work. For example, people will say "why did so and so commit suicide? He was surrounded by so many people who loved him!" True, but he was not open to that love and it didn't work its magic. Such people, though good as they were, were not meaningful to him. The person who is to affirm him has to be someone meaningful for him. Someone's spouse, child, or friend important to him, is the candidate that will do the affirming.

             Father Anthony Mellace

World Prophecies

                                      The Warning of the Saints

            God loves us so greatly and possesses such a vehement desire to see us in heaven that He will go to any extreme to try to save our souls. That is why He sacrificed and sent His only Son amongst us to die on the cross for our salvation. He made Jesus so gentle and humble as to attract as many people as possible to His love. Jesus preached many positive and beautiful things in order to try to convert souls for heaven.  Some listened, but others were not affected. When Our Lord perceived that love did not always work, He decided then to have recourse to fear, and spoke about hell and everlasting punishment, in the hope that this would convince some to stop sinning and seek salvation.

          This method was not only employed by Jesus, but by His Apostles, too. St. John, the favorite disciple of the Lord, who revealed to us that God is Love, also wrote the terrible and frightening book called the "Apocalypse". The objective of this type of literature is not to bring one to despair, but to encourage us in the fight against sin and to take a realistic and prudent outlook of life, being always vigilant and prepared against spiritual dangers and harm.

         For awhile now, I have patiently combed through the writings of the Church approved saints to see what they said concerning future things. I discovered in my research, 38 principal themes that are threaded throughout their texts. By "Church approved" I mean that which the Magisterium understands in regard to these matters; namely that they are neither placed on the same level as Divine Revelations of Jesus (which is pre-eminent to any other) nor rejected and condemned (as long as coming from an authentic source that is not contrary to Faith or morals). In these cases, each one is free to utilize them as befits their spiritual and moral needs.  The following list is the result of my research:

1) Surprisingly, what most of the saints spoke about was not the Anti-Christ (as many people would expect), but about the coming of a "great monarch" , who, together with a great pope, would inaugurate a period of peace, justice and prosperity. He will be a physical person, descendent of a noble French-German lineage. This great king will rule the whole world and help the Church to evangelize all the nations. ( 17 sources: St. Hippolytus of Rome, St. Methodius of Olympus, St. Hilarion, St. Augustine, St. Cataldus, Venerable Bede, St. Anselm of Canterbury, St. Caesarius of Arles, St. Remegius, Blessed Rabanus Maurus, Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, Blessed Bernard Rembordt, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Vincent Ferrer, Blessed Ignatius of Santhia, Venerable Magdalen Porzat, St. John Vianney). 

2) After the "great monarch", the figure of the "Anti-Christ" was the most recurring theme of the prophetical saints. Though many of them wrote that he would be a physical person of great influence and power (seducing even the Jews to accept him), St. John Damascene and St. Thomas Aquinas believe him to be a symbol of anything that is opposed to Christ. I leave this argument to each one's thoughts and discretions. ( 17 sources: St. Iraenus of Lyons, St. Hippolytus of Rome, St. Lactantius, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. Methodius of Olympus, St. Jerome, St. Ephraem of Syria, St. Nilus of Ancyra, St. Gregory the Great, St. John Damascene, Venerable Bede, St. Anselm of Canterbury, Blessed Rabanus Maurus, Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, Blessed Dionysius of Luxembourg, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Vincent Ferrer). 

3) The third most mentioned theme of the saints regarding the future concerns the "Three Days of Darkness", which will be a supernatural intervention of apolyptical, catastrophical  and global proportions on the part of God, to put back in check the uncontrollable wickedness of man. Since the event will be so frightening, I will not describe it in this article. I will direct the reader to the texts that can be read for themselves and there, may draw his own personal conclusions. ( 10 sources: Venerable Isabel Canori-Mora, St. Caspar del Bufalo, Venerable Elena Aiello, Pope St. Pius X, Blessed Mary of Jesus crucified, St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, St.Faustina Kowalska, Blessed Ann Marie Taigi and others).

4) Many saints spoke about the wickedness of the end times and described the horrors of the increase in evil. ( 9 sources: St. Lactantius, St. Methodius of Olympus, St. Ephraem of Syria, St. Columba, St. Senan, Venerable Bede, Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, St. Pope Pius X, Venerable Mariana of Quito).

5) In fifth place, surprisingly, come the prophecies concerning the future of the Emerald Island, Ireland. The predictions say that she will maintain the Faith until the end of the world and be instrumental in the conversion of England. ( 6 sources: St. Patrick, St. Columba, St. Senan, St. Nennus, St. Cataldus, St. Malachy of Armagh)

6) France, too, is greatly commented by the saints. Though half the country will last until the end of the world and the great Monarch will come from her, still, she will be severely chastised for her culpability in bringing about the "Red Revolution". ( 6 sources: St. Caesarius of Arles, St. Remegius, St. John Vianney, and other private mystics)

7) England was referred to by several saints. Though she will be punished repeatedly for her many sins, in the end she will have a glorious conversion. ( 4 sources: St.Senan, St. Edward the Confessor, Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, St. John Vianney)

8) The Final Attempt of Communism to take over the world with the destruction of many   lives (soldiers wading in knee-high in a river full of blood) was commented by some saints ( 5 sources: Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, Blessed Bernard Rembordt, Lucia of Fatima, Venerable Sister Elena Aiello, St. John Vianney)

9) The grave misfortunes that are to occur to Italy for her part in the instigation of the "Red Revolution" were spoken of by several saints. ( 4 sources: Blessed Ignatius of Santhia, St. John Bosco, Venerable sister Elena Aiello, Venerable Magdalene Porzat).

10) Russia, too, is given special attention by the saints and her instrumental and timely conversion is commented upon. ( 4 sources: Blessed Bernard Rembordt, Lucia of Fatima, Venerable sister Elena Aiello, St. John Vianney).

11) Prophecies concerning the fate and future of some popes is present in the writings of several saints. ( 4 sources: St. Malachy of Armagh, St. Bridget of Sweden, Lucia of Fatima, Venerable Magdalene Porzat).

12) The inauguration and ushering in of a period of peace and prosperity is mentioned by the saints ( 5 sources: St. Andrew Salos, Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser, Venerable Isabel Canori-Mora, Lucia of Fatima, Pere Lamy).

13) There are some sad prophecies concerning the end of Paris. ( 2 sources: St. John Bosco, St. John Vianney).

14) The presence and mission of Enoch and Elias are explained by the saints ( 5 sources: St. Ephraem of Syria, St. Augustine, St. John Damascene, Venerable Bede, Blessed Dionysius of Luxembourg)

15) The triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is predicted on 3 different occasions: Lucia of Fatima, St. John Bosco, Venerable Magdalene Porzat.

16) The passing of a great comet that disastrously affects the earth's gravitational force and cause geographical changes is commented by St. Hilarion and St. Hildegard.

17) The assassination of a pope is commented by venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser and St. John Bosco.

18) The appearance of a mighty redheaded Irish leader who will be a liberator is spoken of by St. Brogan and St. Ultan.

19) World War II and the rise of Hitler were predicted by both St.Odilia and Lucia of Fatima.

20) The years 1943 and 2038 are indicated by both St. Bridget of Sweden and Venerable Magdalene Porzat as the beginnings and heights of the world's woes.

21) The third destruction of Jerusalem is mentioned by St. Jerome.

22) The rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem is commented by St. Anselm of Canterbury.

23) The destruction of Rome is prophesied by the Venerable Bede, St. Anselm of Canterbury and St. John Bosco.

24) The discovery of the Ark of the Covenant is prophesied by Blessed Dionysius of Luxembourg.

25) The hair-raising account of the terrible, bloody, devastating and destructive battle that will take place around Cologne and seal her fate is recounted by Blessed Bernard Rembordt.

26) The future of Germany and Greece is prophesied by St. Bridget of Sweden.

27) The abandonment of Confirmation as a sacrament is prophesied by St. Vincent Ferrer.

28) The last and most glorious Religious Order of the Church is described by St. Francis of Paola. 

29) The rise of a false pope is prophesied by Blessed Ignatius of Santhia.

30) The restoration of Belgium and Poland is prophesied by St. John Bosco.

31) The vision of two pillars on which a ship anchored itself in order not to sink and representing the Church saved through the Eucharist and Marian devotion was seen by St. John Bosco.

32) The annihilation of nations was commented by Lucia of Fatima and venerable Elena Aiello.

33) A universal commercial crisis was prophesied by venerable Magdalene Porzat.

34) The end of capitalism and the return of the working class to the soil were prophesied by Pere Lamy.

35) Events of the 20th century are mentioned by St. Nilus of Ancyra and Blessed Mariana of Quito.

36) The destruction of the innocence in children and the end of virginity in youth is prophesied by Blessed Mariana of Quito.

37) The future of Ecuador is mentioned by Blessed Mariana of Quito.

38) The future of the priesthood and vocations is prophesied by Blessed Mariana of Quito.

Father Anthony Mellace

The Three Days of Darkness

                                                 All Hell Let Loose

             I was very frightened to read what two mystics of the Church had prophesied in regard to the so-called three days of darkness. Sister Marie Dehenny de la Fraudrais (1819) and Marie Julie Jehannet (a Breton stigmatist who died in 1900) both recounted, in a rather detailed way, the apocalyptic catastrophe that would occur in that most horrendous and terrible moment of a future time. For three full days (which will be completely darkened), all hell will be set loose and the demons and evil spirits allowed to roam the earth to howl, scream, afflict and torment mankind. In 72 hours, according to the visionaries, three-fourths of the world's inhabitants will have perished.

         What is the reason for allowing such freedom of action and power to these diabolical beings? The mystics say that these events will take place when "the Sacrifice of the Mass is neglected and no longer celebrated". It does make sense. We, many times, tend to forget the power and benefits of the Holy Mass. It has been the Celebration of the Eucharist all over the world that has protected the Church and society from all sorts of harm (whether physical, climatic, natural, moral or spiritual) throughout the ages. Countries which have had the Mass celebrated on their soil have always been blessed with peace and prosperity. The Eucharist brings progress, culture, holiness and wisdom to a nation. It gives it a spiritual birth, regeneration and character.

        Jesus said:"If a town or family does not accept you, than that peace will leave them and return to you". The nations that have persecuted and destroyed the Catholic Church within their realms, or have left her through heresy and schism, have all regressed into ignorance, darkness, barbarism and vice. The Eucharist could not work its miracles amongst them since they no longer cared for the Mass. On the other hand, there are two historical incidents to prove what the Eucharist can and does do for a country.

       In the 16th century, Spain reached an unparalleled position of material wealth, power and prosperity never seen before in a nation. She was blessed by God for the generous response given in terms of vocations. No country, since the time of Christ, had so many priests celebrating the Mass as she did: one for every 700 individuals. In the 1950's, the USA was the second nation of history to nearing that number: one priest for every 1,200 individuals. In those years (and due to the zeal and fervor of Bishop Sheen), almost everyone went to daily Mass or made the Holy Hour. Those prayers and Masses were the real cause and reason for America's rise to greatness and prosperity.

       Now we see a decline in Mass attendance, vocations and the priesthood (many just leaving). If a nation loses its military leaders and officers, it will be extremely easy for an enemy to walk in and take over. If evil has grown and the devil acquired power without anyone holding him in check, it is because there are no Masses being attended or celebrated to keep him in his place. We have become powerless and weak before immorality, injustice and evil in the world precisely due to the abandonment of the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar.

        Now if we return to a state of grace, make it a point to attend daily Mass (as far as possible), invite others to come along and participate and encourage our priests to celebrate everyday, with zeal and holiness, we might get some good and positive results in our lives and in those of others. We will even delay or put off that terrible chastisement predicted by the mystics. If God does allow hell to open with the demons flying all over the earth, the reason would be to prove how essential and important His Holy Sacrifice really is.

        The mystics say the punishment will last three days, from Thursday to Saturday. Why not more days? I believe some Christians and priests might finally come to their senses after such an event and decide to celebrate a Mass on Sunday to send the demons back to hell. Now why do we have to force God to take such extreme measures to convince us that, as St. Paul says: "Our spiritual warfare is not against flesh and blood, but the very demons and principalities themselves?" Let us do take seriously our spiritual future and good and value this precious pearl called "Holy Mass".

Father Anthony Mellace    


                                The Chastisement of America

                All of us who live in this great country called the USA should do everything possible to guarantee her survival. The most effective way to do this is by eradicating the evil that afflicts her. To tolerate her crimes and sins is tantamount to collaborating in her destruction. The greatest wickedness present on this continent is the sin of abortion: the intentional tearing apart and murder of a innocent and defenseless unborn human life. Since 1973, more babies have been killed in the womb of their mothers than all the soldiers who lost their lives in every American war since the Revolution. Over 56 million human unborn children so far have been sacrificed to this god of pleasure and money; burned, ripped and crushed like garbage in a trash can. Now I ask: how long will God tolerate such an abominable practice on our soil? How long will His patience last before He lets loose his lash?

             Two great German mystics had made some astounding predictions concerning the future of the United States, if the country did not cease the criminal practices of baby murder. Theresa Neumann, a stigmatic of our century, was once asked by an American soldier (who had a chance to visit her) if the USA would be punished by a nuclear attack as a chastisement for her sins. The mystic responded, "No, America is very generous to the world and gives much to poor countries. For this reason, she will not be punished through bombs. She will have natural disasters that will bring her economy to ruin."

           The question is: "What natural disasters will afflict America?" The response is from the revelations of another great Rhineland mystic, St. Hildegard. In the 12th century, who had a vision of our country and said, "I see a great nation between two seas, made up of different tribes. Her punishment will come from the great comet. The great comet will pass the earth and provoke earthquakes, floods and storms like something never seen before in the world. The earthquakes will bring about tidal waves that will destroy entire cities. Those who escape will die from a terrible disease."

        Who will survive the disaster provoked by the "great comet"? Elena Aiello, the Calabrian mystic of the 1940's, said that the USA would "shrink to the size of a nation smaller than that of Austria". The great comet will be the cause of her economic downfall.

          One of the principal reasons for abortion is to make a quick buck; but blood money doesn't go too far. What is gained unjustly will be lost disastrously. If we don't want to be caught in the way of the big comet, then let us do everything possible to stop the crime of abortion (and who knows, maybe the comet will go somewhere else and destruction be averted). It all depends upon us to attract the mercy of God by taking away that which most offends Him: the scorning of His creation by the sins committed against a person's very life and self-respect.

           Let us stop the flood of filth and crime in our land, before the flood of the ocean engulfs us all under its just anger.

Father Anthony

The Prophecies of Pere Lemy

                   I really liked Pere Lamy's (Jacques Maritain's priest friend) prophecies of the future. To begin with, he said that there were three causes for World War I:

a) Blasphemy
b) Sunday Labor
c) Contraception
                  He also said that guardian angels do many things for us when we are in the state of grace (save us from many accidents), but are powerless when we are in sin. Maybe that is why so many people have accidents (for being in the state of sin). Jesus was saved from death on a number of occasions (He must have had some strong angels at His side). He was so full of grace that He said to His Apostles: "Don't you think that I could call a legion (6 or 12 thousand?) of angels at my side to protect me if I want to?"

                Pere Lamy also predicted the end of capitalism (boy, would I love to see that day!). He said that the working class in the future will get fed up with town life and return to the beloved country-side and soil. Finally, he prophesied the filling up of convents and seminaries (after certain world purification) and the beginning of new evangelization similar to that of the early Church (which would take a whole generation).

Father Anthony Mellace

Mary in the Bible

      Some say that the Bible says very little about Mary. I do not know which Bible they read, but mine breathes this Virgin of God. The Bible talks about Mary before it even mentions Jesus. Right at the start of creation, God says to the serpent: "I will put enmities between you and the woman, your descendents and hers, they will crush your head and you will wound their heels." Genesis 3:15. Those (descendents) who follow Mary (the woman) will destroy the power of Satan and his pride (head) while he will attempt to persecute the humble and good (heel).

            The holy women of the Old Testament were the prototypes of Mary and describe her qualities. Mary possesses the royalty of Sarah, the wisdom of Rebecca and the beauty of Rachel. Mary's beauty is exalted by King David in his famous psalm 44:10-18.

      His son, King Solomon, also exalted Mary's mysterious Immaculate Conception and exceptional moral beauty with the following poetic expressions:

1) She is referred to as a lily amongst thorns
2) She is compared to a closed garden or a sealed fountain
3) In regards to her, he says: "You are all beautiful and there is no stain in you!" Song of Songs 2:2, 4:7. 6:9

    Mary, the Immaculate Conception, is the patroness of both Brazil and the USA. If America is the greatest country in the world, we can thank her patroness Mary, for such a grace, privilege and gift. Mary is also the new Ruth (the Moabite) who leaves her people to be a part of us (Ruth 1:16). The conception of Jesus in Mary's womb without destroying her virginity is marvelously prefigured in the Old Testament examples  of the bush that burned without being consumed: (Exodus 3:2), as well as the wool of Gideon (wet on a dry floor, and then dry on a wet floor)  Judges 6:36-40.

   Mary was present in all the principal moments and events of Jesus life: the Annunciation, Visitation, Birth, Presentation in the Temple and First Trip to Jerusalem. As Abraham consented to God to sacrifice his one and only beloved son, so Mary, too, consented to sacrifice her one and only beloved son Jesus, for our sake and salvation. Along with other holy women, Mary accompanied Jesus in all his missionary trips and preaching and attended to his practical necessities. She too, was His faithful disciple.

  Mary was also present during the dramatic and momentous events of the Passion and suffering of Jesus. She knew about His abandonment by the Apostles, the denial of Peter and betrayal of Judas. St. John the Apostle took it upon himself to be her protector in this confusing and chaotic moment. Mary heard the shouts of the crowd to crucify Her Son and the cowardice of Pilate in condemning Him to death. This was the sword that St. Simeon had predicted would pass through Mary's heart. In her agony, she accompanied Jesus all the way to the top of Calvary. From the cross, Jesus made it a point to make us all children of Mary when he said, in the person of St. John: "Behold your mother", and then said to Mary: "behold your son." Mary was the first fruit of the Passion and victory of Jesus on the cross and His best gift to us (after the gift of salvation and the Eucharist). It was to her that he confided the riches, graces and fruits of salvation, to distribute to whomever she wished to. That is why she is the mediatrix of all graces and why we need to go to her to receive the means of salvation. (Gen: 41:55).

  Mary was also present with the Apostles in the Cenacle and received the Holy Spirit along with them. The Apostles looked to her for enlightenment, encouragement and comfort, as the Catholic Church has always done throughout the ages.

Father Anthony Mellace

The Power of Daily Mass

    For those of us who can, there is nothing better to do in life than to assist daily Mass. I will present many strong reasons for this:

1)    To begin with, the Holy Mass is the most powerful prayer on earth because Christ Himself is praying for us to the Father during this sanctifying action. If you were to take the most holy men of the planet, gather them together in one place and have them pray united during a whole year, their prayers would not match the power of a Mass celebrated by a priest alone. It is for this reason that the Catholic Church, in certain moments of history, preferred to lose entire nations rather than give up her Holy Mass. She recognizes the deep value of this Sacrament.

2)    Mary, in whose womb the Son of God became man, did not receive the privilege and power of consecrating mere bread and wine into the very Body and Blood of Jesus, that priests possess. Elizabeth was overjoyed to feel the presence of Christ’s grace in her womb, but never had the chance to receive Him in Communion as all of us can. The shepherds of Bethlehem and the three kings had the joy to behold the Child Jesus, but did not receive Him in Communion as we may if we so desire. The prophet Simeon and Ana waited 80 years just to see Jesus once and we can behold Him daily in our tabernacles. Many things that God denied to saints, we sinners have access to.

3)    There is no better or easier way to grow in sanctity than through the daily Mass.

4)     The Mass preserves us in doing good.

5)    It also grants us peace of mind and soul.

6)    Through this Sacrament, we receive an abundance of spiritual graces

7)    It helps us to arrive at contrition for our sins.

8)    Many people even found jobs and resolved their financial problems and difficulties after the practice of attending daily Mass.

9)    Through the attendance of daily Mass, many were helped to overcome evil. Others obtained victories against temptations, whether internal or external, of the devil or people. The Mass gives us an abundance of holy and good inspirations. It shakes us out of tepidity and spiritual inertia and excites and revives our religious fervor. It creates within us a more generous will. It purifies our intentions and turns them into selfless and holy ones. Years of Mass attendance evens gains us the precious grace of final perseverance. Many have even recovered their health or reached material prosperity through the Mass.

In regards to society and the world, the Mass has granted the following benefices:

1)    It has preserved the world from or put an end to epidemics, earthquakes, wars, hunger, persecution, lawsuits, enemies, poverty and misery, calumnies, sudden deaths and injustices. If many of these things persist in various nations, it is because Mass is neither celebrated nor participated by the faithful.

2)    The Church has seen many of its children come to a great sanctity through the Mass.

3)    St. Theresa of Lisieux says that the Mass is capable of converting every sinner in the world and emptying out purgatory.

4)    It is foolish for us to wait until we die in order to have Masses said in our benefit. We could begin to have Masses said before we leave this world. At least it is guaranteed and we have the certainty and surety of receiving its graces. The intention for such a Mass would be to obtain a general forgiveness and pardon of all our sins.

Father Anthony Mellace

Popular Drinks

1)  Amaretto:*  (made from the stone of an apricot)

2)  Orzata: *     (made from almonds)

3)  Anisette: *   (the best is Marie Brizard)

4)  Bailey’s Irish Cream: (whiskey with chocolate)

5)  Underberg (German) and Fernet Branca (Italian)*
     (excellent digestive drink made from flowers, roots and barks soaked in alcohol)

6)  Brandies:                       
      (Distilled fruits: blackberry, blackcurrant, etc. The famous cherry brandies are the Danish Peter Heering,  Dutch De Kuyper and Polish Wisniak. Conhaque is the best of brandies. The Mandarine Napoleon is a Spanish tangerine conhaque)

7)  Bolls:   (Dutch flavored gins)

8)  Cointreau:  (made from green oranges)

9)  Cordials:   (name for Native American liquors)

10) Canadian whiskey:  (made from a mixture of grains and corn)

11) Gin:                                  
      (the fruit “zimbro” is taken from the Tuscan juniper “gineprio” plant. The London dry gin is considered the best in the world. Steinhager is a German gin)

12) Grappa: (made from the skins, seeds and stems of grapes)

13) Grenadine:   (sweetened pomegranate syrup)

14) Irish Mist:   (whiskey with honey)

15) Jack Daniel:  (Tennessee whiskey produced in charcoal)

16)  Kahlua:   (Mexican coffee liquor)

17) Lager Beer: *  (has little fermentation)

18) Jerzynowka:   (Polish wild berry liquor)

19) Marasquino:     (cherry liquor)

20) Perrier:*                            
       (considered the most famous mineral water in the world.  France)

21) Pilsener Beer: *           
      (Bohemian beer of little fermentation. Excellent for digestive system)

22) Punch:(drink made with fruits and brandy or sherry)

23) Rum:                           
      (made from sugar cane or molasses. Cuban rum is light while the Jamaican one is strong. Bacardi is light Porto Rican rum)

24) Scotch whiskey:  (made from a mixture of grains)

25) Southern Comfort:    (Missouri Bourbon made from peach and orange)

26) Straight whiskey: (non-blended)

27) St. Raphael:(the sweetest liquor made from peaches)

28) Vermouth:*    (made from grapes)

29) Vodka: (made from potatoes, Smirnoff is the most famous)

30) Screwdriver:               
      (got its name from the mechanics who would stir their drinks with a screw driver)

31) Shirley Temple:     (7 up or ginger ale with a drop of grenadine and cherry)

Drinks with * to them are good for one’s health

Deceptive Arguments of PP

                                                   Raising Cain
The pro-abortionists feel that it is better to kill a child than to have it come into a world poor, miserable, without a home and love of parents, or raised by a single mother. They also feel that the less people you have in society, the more material goods there will be to go around for everyone and social poverty will be eliminated.
I live in Brazil and have worked amongst some of the most impoverished areas of the big cities for over twenty years. I have seen and witnessed numberless single mothers with two, three, five or eight children that were raised ok by them. These children were very healthy, intelligent, happy and robust. On the other hand, I also visited many rich couples with only one or two sons and daughters who constantly suffered from asthma, diabetes, sinuses, etc and were extremely pale, weak and depressed. The question of raising a child is not one that depends on the amount of material goods and conditions which a person possesses, but rather on a wholesome, positive, courageous, common sense, mature, psychological and spiritual attitude and outlook on life and its challenges. 
When I was a child, I remember how my mom took care of her seven young children. She took on a job, made pizza and bread to sell to friends in order to earn a modest income and had us all work and learn to earn our own money. We were poor, but had dignity and happiness and the essential things of life were not lacking: warmth, affection, love, clothing and food and a bed to sleep in. Our work bore fruit and despite our poverty, all seven of us went through college with honors. We were also very healthy and I think I saw a doctor about as many times as I saw the diocesan bishop: only once in my youth period.
The problem with parents today is that they want to spoon feed their children with everything and end up raising little lazy spoiled monsters that are unable to even tie their own shoes. What is wrong in today’s world is the sort of modern child education psychology that is applied in the families. We have veered away from good common sense upbringing and gone towards this ridiculous and bizarre way of doing things proposed by these contemporary and wacky gurus of child education. That is why no one knows how to raise a kid any longer and therefore prefers to simply kill the little unborn brat.
Abortion has been around in the USA for over 35 years. Planned Parenthood has had plenty of time to prove its thesis. It has eliminated 56 million babies. Are there now enough material goods to go around for everyone? I see more poverty in the USA now than in the pre-abortion days. In the pre-abortion days, I never such economic catastrophes as have happened in these past years. So where is this so called social poverty that the practice of abortion is supposed to eliminate? I still see it around and no one has become any richer because of the presence of abortion, except the very people who advocate it so strongly.
Father Anthony Mellace

Saint Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi is now a Saint....CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?
 On a Saturday afternoon, in Washington, D. C., House Speaker
 Nancy Pelosi's aide visited the Cardinal of the Catholic cathedral. He told the Cardinal that Nancy Pelosi would be attending the
next day's sermon, and he asked if the Cardinal would kindly point
out Pelosi to the congregation and say a few words that would
include calling Pelosi a saint.
The Cardinal replied, "No. I don't really like the woman, and
there are issues of conflict with the Catholic Church over certain of
Pelosi's views." Pelosi's aide then said, "Look.  I'll write a check here and now for a donation of $100,000 to your church if you'll just tell the congregation you see Pelosi as a saint."
 The Cardinal thought about it and said, "Well, the church can
 use the money, so I'll work your request into tomorrow's sermon."  As Pelosi's aide promised, House Speaker Pelosi appeared for the Sunday sermon and seated herself prominently at the edge of the main aisle. And, during the sermon, as promised, the Cardinal pointed out that House Speaker Pelosi was present.
 Then the Cardinal went on to explain to the congregation --
  "While Speaker Pelosi's presence is probably an honor to some, she is not my favorite person.  Some of her views are contrary to those of the church, and she tends to flip-flop on many other views.  Nancy
Pelosi is a petty, self-absorbed hypocrite, a thumb sucker, and a
nit-wit. Nancy Pelosi is also a serial liar, a cheat, and a thief.  Nancy
Pelosi is the worst example of a Catholic I have ever personally
witnessed.” She married for money and is using it to lie to the American people. She also has a reputation for shirking her Representative obligations both in Washington, and in California.  She simply is not to be trusted."
The Cardinal completed his view of Pelosi with, "But, when
 compared to Senators Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, and John Kerry, House Speaker Pelosi is a saint."

sábado, 17 de março de 2012

Chesterton and America

If you have time, do read GK Chesterton's article entitled "What is America?". If he were alive today, this essay would serve as a perfect text for the 9/11 events. He really understood what this country is all about. In the article, he made a very bold, but true statement, that the "US Constitution is the closest thing to the Spanish Inquisition" because America is the only country in the world that is based upon a "religious creed" and therefore, atheism is really officially condemned in this nation. He states that there are Moslem countries that have much more freedom than the USA, though America does allow everyone to live in it (and the others don't). It is an excellent article and I am sure it will be of great interest.

Anthony Mellace

Self-Help Books

 Wit and Wisdom of GK Chesterton
It is not possible to read an article or book by the British journalist, GK Chesterton, without, at the same time, cracking a smile and letting out a laugh on one's face. The man is so intelligent that he can see through anything. It is precisely this vision that allows one to perceive a fool in his real foolishness. GK Chesterton possesses an extraordinary talent in exposing literary hoaxes and showing how they really lead nowhere. GK Chesterton was a defender of the dignity of intelligence, in an age where sophisticated reasoning tried to usurp it, and replacing it with a false one. The disarming of his adversaries was done in such an exquisite and witty way, that they simply had to take their hats off respectfully to him.
For example, in an article entitled "On the Fallacy of Success" (showing the stupidity of self-help books) he says that books on success "show men how to succeed in everything...but are written by men who cannot even succeed in writing books...success merely means what it is: a millionaire is successful in being a millionaire, a donkey is successful in being a donkey, and a dead man succeeded in committing suicide..."
Further ahead, Chesterton shows that the real underlying purpose of these books is not so much the question of success (he personally believes that there are only two roads to it: hard work or cheating), as the mysticism created around money, by the writers of these texts. They fall so much in love with money (and its possessors), that they come to a point in turning it into a cult. Chesterton's acute psychological intuition into matters explains the secret he had in being a great writer, journalist and thinker. It is worth the while to read his books, essays and articles.
I am happy to know that "Ignatius Press" has taken upon itself the mammoth project of publishing and making available to the public, the complete works of GK Chesterton. With the number of fools multiplied in our Babylon society, we need the voices of the wise to lead us. I hope Ignatius Press is successful in its endeavor to bring the wisdom of the saints to our bookshelves. For those who have not the patience to wait, but would already like to read the complete works of this British nobleman, I would recommend them to the following web-site; http://www.chesterton-library.net/
Anthony Mellace