segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Baby Food

More Commercial Products Containing Material From Aborted Fetuses:

Chips:  Fritos, Lays Potato Chips, Doritos, Ruffles, Cheetos, Sun Chips
Beverages:  Pepsi, Mt. Dew, Aquafina, 7-Up, Tropicana, Lipton
Grains:  Quaker (and Mother's Oats), Life Cereal, Aunt Jemima, Rice a Roni, Cap'N Crunch

terça-feira, 17 de abril de 2012

a call to arms

                      Father Anthony Mellace’s  Divine Mercy Sunday Homily
(7 and 9 o’clock packed Masses of the Immaculate Conception Parish)
My dear friends,
Eight days after Easter we celebrate the very beautiful feast of Mercy Sunday. Jesus, the Incarnate Expression of the mercy of the Father comes to spread his mercy to the entire world. What is the meaning of mercy? Mercy in Latin is “misericordis” and is composed of two words signifying “misery” and “heart”. There is no need for me to explain to you what misery is, we have all experienced it at one point or another in our lives. We know full well what misery is. Heart is synonymous to sensitiveness, compassion, concern, etc. for the miseries that others are full of or suffer from. He who is merciful or practices mercy is compassionate and sensitive to the miseries of his fellowmen and women.
Is mercy opposed to or in conflict with justice? Was God unjust in showing mercy to the prodigal son or the workers of the last hour? No, actually mercy is the most noble and sublime part of justice and one of its harmonious aspects. Mercy takes into account many more factors and see deeper into the qualities of a person or situation than does simple justice. A mother does not give less food and drink or less love and affection to her child for being bad, but is generous and loving to all of them. God is the same way with all of us and lets the rain pour on the good and bad alike.
Jesus had compassion on all of our miseries. He came to free us from all of them. He eradicated physical miseries by curing countless sick people. He came to free everyone of emotional suffering and misery. He brought back smiles to the sad, courage to the dismayed, peace to the fearful, new meaning and hope to the depressed, etc. He freed us of our moral miseries with the forgiveness of sins. Jesus is the incarnate mercy of the Father who extends his helping hand to all. Jesus, the king of mercy, is present amongst us and will continue until the end of times to pour out his wonderful mercy on all of us.
One of the most beautiful scenes of the Gospel is the dinner that Jesus had together with Lazarus, Martha and Mary Magdalene. Can you imagine the inexpressible joy that Martha had at that moment? She had with her around that table the persons she most loved and cherished in this world. She had lost them at a certain point in her life and suffered a deep anguish in her heart. Lazarus, her beloved brother had died from a sickness and Mary Magdalene had left home to lead a promiscuous sexual life in whorehouses. Martha, however, did not lose her faith but fought perseveringly in prayer and sought Jesus during her profound emotional pangs interceding to him for her brother and sister.
Jesus answered her prayer and restored Lazarus to a new physical life and Mary Magdalene to a new moral and spiritual life. Now the four of them enjoyed a fine dinner together celebrating this wonderful feast of mercy shown to the newly united family. This is Jesus mission of mercy, to restore and unite all in his love and goodness. What joy Martha felt to have her brother restored to life sitting at her side and conversing with her. What joy Martha felt to see her sister converted from sin, fully restored as a human being and sharing a new and deep life with her. Finally, we have the Son of God together with them and pouring out jewels of wisdom from his heart to share with the whole family during this meal. This was truly heaven on earth.
The greatest expression of mercy is forgiveness. Jesus was spit upon, insulted, flagellated, crowned with thorns, rejected, abandoned, betrayed, condemned to death, crucified, etc. How did he respond to all of this? From the height of Calvary he simply forgave his persecutors and said “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” This was Jesus’ greatest act of mercy towards all of us. We do not even suffer an ounce of what Jesus suffered and even are still incapable of forgiving others. I know that forgiveness is not easy, but if we are to imitate the mercy of Jesus and practice it amongst ourselves as true Christians, then we must have the courage to forgive each other.  The way we practice mercy towards others will be the way it will be meted out to us on judgment day (with what judgment you judged, you shall be judged, with what measure you measured, it will be measured unto you).
The opposite of mercy is vengeance or a spirit of revenge and exaggerated sense of quick and rapid justice. We see this everyday in the news. Thieves not only steal, but they also murder their victims for no reason at all. Boyfriends kill their girlfriends for jealousy or possessiveness. Parents whip and beat their children mercilessly. Managers lie to, cheat and fraud their workers, people swear and beat each other in the middle of a traffic jam. Many do not even argue, but pull out a gun and shoot the person dead on the spot.  I could go on and on and on citing so many examples of this spirit of vengeance and deep revenge and hate in people’s heart.
Brazil needs mercy and needs it very badly. We have to learn to be tolerant, patient, forgiving, understanding, kind and good. This is the way to true peace of heart and social harmony. Violence is no solution and leads to nowhere except death and destruction. If God were to act solely on pure and rigid justice, none of us would survive. He truly loves us and practices mercy towards us to give us every possible chance for salvation and moral recuperation. He is extremely indulgent and would like us to be likewise one towards the other.
I was deeply saddened when I found out about the final decision of the Supreme Court of Brazil in regards to unborn babies with cerebral defects. They were condemned to death in an 8 to 2 vote. Up to that moment, Brazil was one of the very few nations admired by the Pope and humanity for being one of the last bastions where human life was still respected and legally defended in the world. Now this is no longer true. The cowardly and shameful decision of the eight judicial assassins destroyed that beautiful image before the world. The whole procedure was a flagrant scam because it was realized during the Holy Week when people’s minds were distracted by the religious ceremonies. True medics, researchers, experts on the brain and diseases, geneticists, representatives of various Faiths, scientists, etc. were not consulted nor invited to present their material as valid arguments in regard to the issue. They were not taken into consideration, but ignored.
The cerebral damage that they cited to legalize abortion is something that is easily cured and resolved by medical science, but they blocked and ignored this evidence.  There are over 120 university degree professionals in the world who live a normal life and practice their profession but possess no brains. Their skulls are completely empty or have a very thin lining near the spinal column. Why did the Supreme Court not cite this interesting fact? If they are concerned about the mother’s health, why not let her bring to term the baby and then kill him outside the womb, seeing that they will murder him anyways? What difference is there to take his life in or out of the womb seeing that he is condemned either way? At least, they won’t have to damage and perforate the womb of the mother!
My friends, we need to react to react to this horrendous and monstrous decision of these judicial assassins.  The true reason as to why they want abortion is to get rid of the babies of the women that they themselves made pregnant. They have money, power, influence, etc and they don’t need God or us in their lives. I would suggest that everyone in this congregation write to his or her congressmen to quickly introduce a bill that will protect the lives of deformed babies and annul the Supreme Court decision. The minister of health said that he is quickly going to allocate money to open abortion clinics and train doctors to perform abortions because “the demand for abortion is now going to be great” (his words). Funny, he did not say that the demand for abortion of babies with brain defects is going to be great, but simply “abortion”. The whole judicial decision was a plot and scheme of the socialists to sneak abortion in through the back door.
Before I end, I would like to know if there is anyone in the congregation that has children with physical and mental defects (Down syndrome, brain defects, mongoloids, etc).
(several people get up and bring their children to the altar where Father Anthony is giving his homily. Father Anthony greets each one and asks them several questions)
What is your name?
(Ricardo, Jose, Paula, Ana, Silmara, Wagner, Betina)
If the Supreme Court had ruled the murder of defective children when at the time that your wives were pregnant with these children and you had the legal chance to abort them, would you have aborted your child in that period?
(all answer emphatically “no”)
Do you all love and deeply cherish your children?
(all answer emphatically “yes”. Father Anthony looks at each one in the eyes and shakes their hands)
To me, you are the true heroes of this country and authentic Brazilians. Congratulations on your fine courage to assume human life!
(everyone in the Church get up and enthusiastically applaud the families with the  defective children)
You see, my friends, the Court lied to the country. It said that families were in anguish to abort their children, but they did not consult one family on the issue. It was all corruption, lies and international money that now brought this wicked curse on Brazil. I pray to God that he have mercy on this nation and that the chastisement be avoided by active Christians who will do everything possible to remove the plague of abortion from this nation.
Father Anthony Mellace

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Horrors of Slavery

              Many things that happen today are really nothing more than modern and updated versions of ancient evils. Slavery and stem cell research are such incidents:

           Stem Cells and Human Commerce  

              There is really no difference between today's researchers of stem cells (ugh, what a way to term a living image of the Holy Trinity!) and the Negro slave traffickers of the 16th century in the city market of Cartagena. The Spanish mariners of that Holy Catholic Nation would go to Africa buy a shipload of human commerce at 20 dollars a head, and re-sell them in Cartagena for the fantastic price of 200 dollars a piece. 30% of the Negroes died en route to South America in the overcrowded galleys. The captains did not dispose of their bodies however. They found a practical use from the carcasses. They separated the human fat to grease the keel of their ships and drew out the blood to dye their sails. Didn't the Nazis peel off the skin of the gassed Jews and utilize it as a lampshade for their light bulbs? All you need to do is to use your imagination and be ghastly creative! So we complain about the great number of hurricanes and why God is punishing us? Is He supposed to be pleased with us for fooling around with human life, manipulating the tissues of it in order to reek in fortunes to satisfy our greed? But let us get back to our slave tale:

           The slaves in the bottom of the ship (lucky enough to make it alive) stunk worst than a hundred dead skunks piled up on a highway. With no air circulating, they had to support the stench of the mixture coming from their dung, blood from their open wounds and scars (due to their whippings), diseased leprous skin and limy mold that formed itself around them. The only man who had the courage to go in there and give them some food, water and words of comfort was the Jesuit, St. Peter Claver. He administered to thousands of them and baptized them before they died. In his humility he evened kissed their wounds crawling with vermin and called them "the brothers of Christ".

       Following death, each one of us will find himself in one of two places: the final manifestation of the hell we created for others, or the heaven we ourselves constructed by the courageous love we dared to show to the least of our brethren, be they the unborn of today. 

Anthony Mellace


Women are Not Swine

     In a letter to the Utica Observer-Dispatch, Kristin Smith from Chadwicks stated that “courts should have the rights to step in and mandate birth control…why allow women to keeping on having more children…if they cannot care or support them?”

     It is interesting that Kristin Smith did not say “courts should mandate birth control for men (who get women pregnant)...” but went and targeted the women, as if they carry the blame for everything. What she stated is a typical macho cliché and, as a female, she ought to be ashamed of herself! In her cowardice, she simply kept silence in regards to the males, but places all the responsibility on the mothers.

    Another point to note is how Kristin Smith really knows little about government functions and the role of the various parts. It is not the judicial, but the legislative branch that makes laws, and they themselves are subject to a higher law called the “Divine One”. 

    Artificial birth control, whether physical, mechanical or chemical is a violation of the exercise of a basic human right: the right to the recognition of and respect for one’s dignity as a human being. We are not pigs, dogs or cats that need to be castrated or have the healthy parts of our body mutilated. We all possess a right to the protection of our physical and moral integrity and no branch of government can violate this right.

    What the government can morally do is to limit or define conditions on the exercise of the right to marriage (but not take away the right itself).  She could make laws prohibiting someone from marrying until they can prove that they are prepared to care for offspring in a responsible and mature way. The government could obligate them to go through therapy or psychological testing to show what their ability is in taking on the responsibility of a child or a wife in marriage.

    If one is to make a barbarous statement declaring that courts should cut a woman’s tubes or stick hormone pills down her throat in order for her not to get pregnant, while, at the same time, tolerating the macho practices of male brutes is tantamount to a gross ignorance and grave irresponsibility. It is the same as saying “courts should mandate the slicing off of a person’s hands and feet since he simply refuses to get a job and work.” Come on, Kristin, God gave us a brain to use, and not an ass to reason with in its place!

Father Anthony Mellace

Brilliant Brazilian Victories

Pro-Abortionists in Retreat

At our latest Sao Paulo State RTL meeting, it was communicated that the pro-abortionists in Congress are giving up the fight. Their forces are weakening and the pro-death front they set up is now crumbling into pieces. This was encouraging news to us and we are now doubling our strength to give them final blows.

The elected feminist from Rio de Janeiro, who started the whole mess in the Brazilian Congress, abandoned the abortion project and disappeared. She saw that she was getting nowhere with so much pressure on her and decided not to go ahead with the proposed law. This now leaves only one pro-abortion socialist representative to still fight for his proposed law. He too, though, is weakening in his position and soon will throw in the towel. Pro-lifers, however, suspect that these obsessive pro-abortionists might try to get the law through by means of other departments in government. This is no problem for the Brazilian pro-lifers since we have these murderers covered and their every movement well investigated.

Everyone is getting the last details in place for the great march on the nation’s capitol on August 15th. I myself was given a free plane ticket to able to participate. I filmed the whole event. Another positive piece of news item is from Portugal. It was found out that the doctors of the country have refused to perform abortions and the women are going to Spain to kill their babies. One of our successful projects is the elaboration of the Brazilian pro-life web-site: where we hope to illuminate all the Portuguese speaking peoples on the question of abortion. After the August 15th event, we will open a “life formation center” in Sao Paulo where all the teachers and professors of the schools of the city will be invited to receive a solid formation on the question of human life. They, in turn, will then transmit this information to their students. God bless Brazil!

Father Anthony Mellace

A Memorable Event

Pro-Life “D-Day”  (Launching the Great Offenisve!)

  After the tremendous success of May 26th, 2007, in which 16 lecturers spoke on the physical, psychological, moral, legal, political and social aspects and effects of abortions before an audience of over 500 medical students and professionals in two universities of Sao Paulo, 17 other universities and faculties of medicine, law and psychology invited our team to repeat the event in their areas and towns. We are now swamped with solicitations.

   While all this was taking place in Sao Paulo, our other pro-life activists were in the northeastern part of the country, marching with the population in a second anti-abortion rally. Thousands of people took to the streets. Two prominent pro-abortionists were challenged to appear before the people in a public debate. They accepted the invitation and put forth their arguments in favor of killing the unborn babies (it is a woman’s body, the huge number of deaths of women through clandestine abortions, etc). Our well prepared professionals in the issue exposed their false arguments and lies with solid founded facts and reasoning. The pro-abortionists were laughed at by the people and they quit in the middle of the debate. They left the area with shame and confusion.

  Our next planned event will now be the great “pro-life D-Day” invasion of Brasilia, the capitol of Brazil, by our spiritual soldiers. The memorable day marked for the event was August 15th, 2007. On the preceding dawn, buses from all over Brazil converged on the capitol for the first national pro-life march of the country. A great caravan of buses left for Sao Paulo for the 16 hour trip. Each city along the way joined the long train of vehicles to the capitol. We all shouted for life, waving our banners and flags all along the way to Brasilia. Spiritists, Catholics, Evangelicals and all believers in the defense of life joined forces and took part  together in this dramatic event. Our spiritual “generals” in our meeting spent some long hours planning the “invasion”. I myself was given the task of calling the hotels in the area to put up all the people that came from Sao Paulo.

I counted with everyone’s prayers for the wonderful success of our planned event in favor of the defense of the unborn whose lives are threatened by socialists butchers.

Father Anthony Mellace

What is a Catholic?

The Definition of a Catholic

       In the November, 2006 issue of the “….”, Michael …. was asked, in question 18, the position that he held on abortion. The then District Attorney answered: “I believe abortion should be rare and safe, but must remain legal.” With this sort of response, it is plain as one’s nose that Mr. … intelligence is about as low as that of a third grader. I don’t believe he even had any schooling in logic. Has Mr…. ever seen an abortion or know what it is all about? The answer he gives is one of an ignorant demagogue, not a wise political leader.

     To say that we need to make abortion safe is tantamount to, and makes about as much sense as declaring that we need to remove a rake from the steps of a house, so that the burglar not trip and break his leg while breaking in! Who is abortion safe for, the mother or the child? Both suffer physically and emotionally from it and one becomes the death victim. With this statement, ….manifests about as much moral character as Pilate did. Pilate declared to the Jews: “I find no crime in this man, so I will punish and release him!” If He is innocent, how can you justly chastise Him? If abortion is safe for no one, why should it be kept legal?

       A Catholic is defined as a person who obeys the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and participates in her sacramental life. The Church, in one of her canonical laws, stated that anyone who promotes practices or defends abortion is automatically excommunicated from her fold. Such a Catholic ceases to be one and is prohibited from receiving the sacraments. If he should approach them, he commits the double sin of sacrilege. If he dies unrepentant, he will suffer the eternal fires of hell. Michael…, a Catholic, has publicly declared himself in favor of abortion. He is therefore automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church and not allowed to receive Holy Communion. The priests who do give him support and recognition and Holy Communion are likewise excommunicated and all their sacramental acts therefore invalidated. All those Catholic voters and journalists who put him in office are also excommunicated and out of the Church’s fold. If they continue receiving Christ’s Body and Blood during the Mass, they receive it for their own condemnation, as St. Paul wrote.

     Our Catholic Faith will not be mocked by clowns who do not take it seriously, but cause grave scandals through their hypocritical standings and practices. Christ wants His Church to be a pure one and will remove of all those who entered without wedding apparel.

Father Anthony Mellace

Hitting Below the Belt

The “Right to Know” Laws

      Portugal is the first country of the world to enact the “Right to Know” Laws for women seeking abortions. It is not an option that the nation is offering, but an obligation which the new law requires them to fulfill. Since many abortionists, medical teams and profiteers dupe, deceive and lie to the females as to what abortion really involves and is all about, the new legislation is geared and directed to protecting the women’s minds and decisions by providing them with the truth in regards to the practice. The law simply gives them access to a basic right of theirs: the right to information.

    This right to information involves the following elements:

1)    That the being within their womb, from the moment of conception, is truly a human one, as medically and scientifically proved and evident. The pregnant woman is shown this by ultra-sound and other technical means.

2)     That the practice of abortion destroys and snuffs out the life of this being. This is realized either by metal bars which scrape out the womb and cut the babies to pieces, or with an injection of saline solution that burns him, or sucked out with a vacuum cleaner that churns him into a human juice.

3)    That this abortion will affect her physically (with internal hemorrhages and a damaged cut up uterus) or mentally (delirious torturing visions of her dead baby)

4)    That all this will be done at a financial price which will come out of her pocket

5)    Even though the last word is with her, she still has many options with organizations such as adoption agencies, homes for the unborn babies and mother, birthright, church groups, etc.

   All Americans who truly believe in honesty, fair play, sincerity, freedom of speech and free will should all fight to have the “Right to Know” Law enacted in this country. We could write to our legislators and President Obama to pass the law through Congress and protect women from human speculators. “Right to information” booths and offices could be established by the side of abortion clinics to provide this knowledge for desperate, confused and emotionally afflicted women coming to terminate the lives of their child. By the help provided by “Right to Know” people, their decision could be made in a calm, well-informed, truthful and free atmosphere, not in a pressured, aggressive,  manipulating way by money hungry abortionists who would take advantage of these vulnerable victims to exploit them by not telling them the full truth and keeping them blind as to the facts.

Father Anthony Mellace

Brazilian Abortion Battles

 Red Sky in the Morning, Sailors Take Warning…

     As a member of the Sao Paulo State Right to Life Committee, I participated in the group meeting of Wednesday, April 25th, 2007. Some of those present confirmed to the rest that the abortion project in Brazil is really part of an international plot financed by foreign capital. The legislative processes and plans have been uniform in all of the Latin American nations. First, the law is introduced to allow abortion to the full nine months. If it does not pass, then a plebiscite is called. With this cover up, a Constitutional Assembly is convoked and changes are made in the framework to grant wide powers to the government in question.

     Hugo Chavez utilized this expert method to consolidate his power and establish a dictatorship in Venezuela.  It is the same process that the president of Ecuador used. He has had his difficulties though. The opposition would not allow him to call for a constitutional assembly nor change the document. He reacted by having the Court of Ecuador destitute his opponents of their political authority and expel them from the country. They are now in Colombia attempting to defend democracy in Ecuador from there. Honduras, a country without abortion is suffering great pressure from foreign industries to legalize the crime. Mexico, last week, sold its soul and passed the abortion law.

    At our meeting, it was decided that we would have a national March for Life in Brasilia, the Brazilian capitol on July 4th, 2007. We will gather half a million signatures against abortion and present them publicly to President Lula. In the meantime, we are establishing municipal RTL groups all over the State of Sao Paulo, in order to gain grassroots strength. An anonymous sympathizer and donor gave us 2,000 dollars and we used it to make posters to put in public places, advising everyone of the National Event in Brasilia. At the meeting was present the Spanish priest, Father Beraldo. He has fought against abortion for a long time in Brazil on a national level. He has shown over 7,000 slide shows and DVDs on abortion to people and groups everywhere. He has also been on nationwide TV talk shows and programs. A second priest who is an ardent pro-lifer is Father Lodi. He keeps after the legislators and always vigilant as to what they are up to in Congress in regards to human life. He denounces the pro-death politicians and writes hundreds of e-mails all over Brazil against abortion.

   The moral war continues, but we are confident that as long as we keep the sparks and embers alive in the nation, the victory will be ours. Brazil will not follow the cowardly path that Mexico took.

Father Anthony Mellace

Past Abortion War

The Mortal Duel: Lula vs. Brazil
                            (Life Explosion Across the Nation)

    In 2002, the then Socialist Worker’s Party candidate for president, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, had promised the Brazilian bishops that he would never promote abortion, but defend human life. As soon as he was elected, he broke his oath and did exactly the opposite. He had lied to everyone in order to get votes. During his first and second term in the presidential office, he tried no less than five times to get abortion legalized in the country. To his frustration, he failed in every attempt. The last one in 2005 was a close call. Only one vote was lacking and the unborn nearly lost their legal protection in Brazil. In 2005, I myself was in the nation’s capitol giving lectures on affirmation psychology, sexuality and abortion. Shortly after, the Brazilian National Right-to-Life group was established. Was I, in some way, responsible for this? Only God knows.

    The zealous and animated group lost no time in mobilizing the people against the abortion proposals. State committees were formed all over the country and the National Pro-life Politicians Movement was organized to convince legislators to defend human life. Thirty-three Congressmen joined the group. In Sao Paulo, a pro-life manifestation was programmed for March 24, 2007. It was a tremendous success. Fourteen thousand people (according to the official count of the military police) participated in the central square in front of the Cathedral (though the pro-abortion newspapers retorted that it was only 5,000). The manifestation lasted four hours (10 am to 1 pm). Five bishops, four pastors, a Moslem leader, an oriental religious leader, six Spiritists, seven famous singers, various doctors, lawyers, jurists, scientists, medics and congressmen all participated and gave an enthusiastic defense of human life. The crowds cheered and roared in exuberance in favor of life and against abortion. It was a magnificent event and wonderful testimony to the preciousness of unborn human life.

  The pro-abortion press and TV stations pooh-poohed the event and gave it about 3 seconds on the air. They were angry with it. They had been sure that people would have approved of abortion. A gallup poll was taken and the result showed that 65% of the people would not vote in favor of the legalization of abortion. Lula himself became irritated and extremely annoyed and replaced the minister of health with a pro-abortionist doctor. His new minister, whose name was Tempora (meaning thunder storm in Portuguese), swore that he would have abortion legalized. Lula and Tempora began to persecute the congressmen that were against abortion. Tempora visited Fortaleza in the northeastern part of the country to present his pro-abortion project and agenda. He was greeted by pro-lifers who howled and hissed at him and threw tomatoes. He could not get a word through since the bands played loud pro-life songs and the people shouted: “Down with the minister of death! You are not a minister of health, but of death!” Tempora left the city under police protection, feeling extremely humiliated.

    The Brazilian pro-lifers swore to follow Tempora wherever he went in Brazil and to thwart his pro-abortion death projects. Tempora himself was afraid for his life and not at all happy about his situation. He finally stepped down. Lula reacted by secretly asking the powerful soap operas companies to put on chapters on abortion and present the actors with arguments in favor of it. On their part, the state committee leaders solicited to appear on TV programs and to challenge any pro-abortionists to open and public debate. In the last meeting of the State Pro-life group, it was decided that municipal committees would be formed in order to organize more manifestations on local levels.  Will Brazil be the first country in the world to finally be able to beat and reverse the advance of this undefeated world abortion plague that has taken control of all humanity? Will she show and lead the nations forward by her example and prove to them that, abortion after all, can be overcome and we can live without it? Exciting times are ahead here!

 This Sunday, Sao Paulo will have their second pro-life manifestation. The battle is on and Brazil is fighting for its life! If anyone would like to acquire a DVD copy of the March 24, 2007 RTL event in Brazil, please send me your name and addresss and 20 dollars to cover the costs of shipping and handling and I will have the material off to you.

Father Anthony Mellace

Forked Tongues

Pathetic Journalism

       I would like to emphatically and effectively call to attention the extremely poor, incompetent, discriminating, prejudiced, one-sided, lopsided view and pathetic journalism of the propaganda sheet called the …...  The difference between fanatical propaganda (as Hitler’s henchmen practiced) and authentic journalism is the degree of objectivity employed in the subject matter. I will present a concrete example of what I am talking about:

     In the November 2006 issue, the reporter in question (whether it is the editor herself or another is unknown) asked Arcuri and Meiers what their position on abortion was. In question 18, she asked: “What is your position on abortion and a woman’s right to choose to have one?” To begin with, the question is a subtle, unilateral and loaded one. If she had simply asked: “what is your position on abortion?” it would have been fine and good. When she includes, however, the phrase “...and a woman’s right to choose and have one...” she is implicitly saying: I, the editor of this paper believe in abortion, and you had better believe in it too, unless you want to risk the possibility of denying and challenging a woman’s right to abortion.  One can read between the lines that this is a subtle, false, manipulative and aggressive way to try to impress and convince the candidate to promote and defend abortion. In this case, the reporter is not interested in the true view of the candidate, but in having him maintain the present legislation. This is pure and blatant propaganda and biased defense of baby murder.

     A true, competent and professional journalist would have asked the following:
What is your position on abortion? What is your position and argument on the cliché so often used by pro-abortionists of a women’s right-to-choose to defend their views?  What is your position and argument on the anti-abortionists’ motto of right-to-life and responsible paternity and maternity? What is your position on the unborn baby’s right-to-life and the recent scientific medical and scientific discoveries in regards to his development?” True and competent journalism presents all sides and aspects of a question and never one biased view. We are speaking of journalism and not personal views and propaganda.

Father Anthony Mellace

Brazilian Guinea Pigs

Stem Cell Truth

           The foremost leading geneticist of Brazil from the University of Sao Paulo gave her talk on stem cell research. She, with profound wisdom and intelligence, destroyed all the myths concerning this issue. To begin with, she stated that we all have stem cells in our systems and do not need to get them from aborted embryos. Many people resolved their dermatological and neurological problems by resorting to the stem cells of their own skin and nerves. Others were cured of leukemia and spinal problems from other adult stem cells. Seventy-two successful cases were registered of people cured from the cells of other adults. To date, no known cure has been confirmed from the cells of aborted embryos. Worse still, researchers need to destroy many embryos (seven or eight) before they are even able to start working with them.

  The argument of using stem cells from embryos really seems to be just a big hoax to reinforce the abortion argument. Stem cells can be morally obtained from ourselves, other adults and the umbilical cord of the mother. The conceived child does, however, transmit stem cells (in a mysteriously natural way), to its own mother and gives her health. There was a case of a woman who was gravely ill and also became pregnant. She regained her health thanks to the child within her womb, who conceded  to her the stem cell she needed. Today we hear much about the woman’s life being “threatened by the child”, but are ignorant of the woman whose life was saved by her own child.  How beautiful the situation of a mother giving life to her child and then receiving it back from it.

   The law in Brazil prohibits stem cell research. It only allows the importation of embryos from the outside and their preservation in iceboxes, but no experimentation with them. The evil doctors in the nation are fighting to liberalize the law. The geneticist concluded by saying that much progress is being made in stem cell work and one day, we will even have our teeth reproduced (and the age of dentures will be gone forever!).

      In her talk on May 26th, 2007, the geneticist from the University of Sao Paulo explained to the audience that the stem cells in every human being are responsible for providing the new cells that will replace the old and exhausted ones of our body. “There is a new you coming everyday!” was the song of a milk commercial years ago in America. The commercial was trying to make the point that we physically change everyday as old cells are being replaced by new cells. What commands and coordinates this modification and cell replacement is the main or genesis cell of our body nominated the “stem cell”. Scientists and researchers had discovered that stem cells can be taken from the very organs and bone marrow of the person in question, from other adults or the umbilical cord of the mother and placed in the body of the patient, to reproduce and recover the cells of lost organs in his body. The stem cell would do its job of producing the cells that the body needed.

    If a doctor could use the stem cells of adults, why is he interested in utilizing those of an embryo? The reason is that the embryo has the complete set of stem cells that serve for the whole human body, while adult stem cells are limited and serve only for some specific organs. There is a drawback, however, in regard to the use of embryonic stem cells: they act three times faster than an adult stem cell. That is the reason why the cloned sheep “Dolly” aged so fast and died. Anyone receiving a stem cell from an embryo will find that his life span will be cut by 60%! The cell will act quickly in his body and he will find himself an old person at a young age. A second danger confirmed was the presence of tumors growing on the person’s organs with the application of embryonic stem cells.

      The professor of bio-ethics who also spoke at our pro-life forum (Doctor Dalton Luiz Ramos, member of the Pontifical Academy for Life) noted that it not necessary for geneticists and scientists to do research on embryos in their concern for the solution to health problems. The time when humans were used as guinea pigs for medical experiments is long gone and unnecessary in our day. Science today has come to such perfection and efficiency that experiments can be conducted in other and safe ways without involving human beings. Those who would experiment on embryos really violate the correct scientific method, way, process and conduct in their research, knowing that there is no necessity in acting in this manner. It is simply an excuse to take advantage of human “byproducts” and make a buck off of them. The professor cited the example of Louis Pasteur, who had solicited the Emperor of Brazil to hand him over some condemned prisoners so that he could experiment on their bodies. Since they were condemned to death, he wanted to inject them with some concoctions that he had invented. The Emperor refused his request.

    Scientists who do experiments on embryos need to wait until it multiplies its cells to a certain minimum quantity. The embryo also needs to be alive since a dead one is useless for stem cell research. In other words, a live human being needs to be tortured in order for monster surgeons to take advantage of his tiny body.

        Are there stem cells for Multiple Sclerosis? The geneticist answered that science is working hard on this. It hasn’t come to a solution because the proteins present in the cell are easily exhausted and die. If they can somehow keep the proteins alive, we might have a wonderful cure for this problem that afflicts so many in societies.

Father Anthony Mellace

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

Racism and Abortion

Abortionists Preach Racism and Discrimination

 The most brilliant lawyer of Brazil and head of the Brazilian Association of Lawyers against Abortion (BALA), Doctor Jose Carlos Graca Wagner, made an interesting point about abortionists, in an article that he wrote.

  Abortionists tend to justify their practice by saying that there are many unborn babies with physical defects (brains, spines, etc) and would be a burden on their parents and society. They would not make anyone happy and would constitute a financial weight for the government. Doctor Wagner simply brushed aside all the emotional arguments and went to the rock bottom facts. He cited the Brazilian Constitution and laws showing that it is very clear on the question of discrimination against physically and mentally handicapped people.  Anyone who practices discrimination based on religion, race, sex or physical conditions commits a grave crime in the country and is subject to heavy penalties (many years in prison).

   It does not matter whether the person being discriminated is born or unborn, old or young, weak or strong. It is simply a person that is being discriminated, independent of its environment or conditions. Doctor Wagner showed that the Brazilian Constitution states and admits the fact that a human being exists from the moment of conception. Therefore, this person is subject to the recognition of its rights from that moment. To say that it is all right to murder it because of some physical defect it possesses is the same as to apply the argument to a newborn child, young adult or elderly person. In all cases, it is the person itself that is being discriminated against because of its physical and mental defects. That alone, according to Doctor Wagner, constitutes a justification in suing a pro-abortionist for discrimination and sending him to jail. 

  Let us say that the pro-abortionist was to say: doctors were able to note and discover that your developing fetus already has homosexual tendencies before being born. You, the parents, do not want a homosexual child; therefore, it is alright to abort it because he will cause you and society many problems later on. If something like that came out in the press, every homosexual in the world would tear apart the pro-abortionist, seeing this as an insult and affront to their personal beliefs and orientations. Yet, no one sues or protests the audacity of abortionists in discriminating against and murdering a child with adverse physical conditions.

Father Anthony Mellace

Feminist BS

Whose Life is in Danger?

        In the newspaper called ".....", I read that you were one of the local coordinators of the trip to Washington for the event of the "March for Women's Lives" in April of this year. You led a delegation of twenty members representing various faiths. Now I ask you: What is the purpose of this march? I don't see any lives of women being taken or threatened; but the lives of millions of babies are being ripped apart! Why don't you march for them? They are the ones that need it, not women.
You say that women are marching for their "reproductive rights". Does that term make any sense? Women are already "reproduced", they have bodies and souls. The unborn children are the ones who need "reproductive rights", since they are not guaranteed a right to their physical life and development. You insult human beings when you use this word "reproductive" (that was invented for animals). The correct term is "procreation" since it takes three to bring into being a human person: Man, woman and God. Did you consult men and God if they approve of your actions? They are shareholders in the system too, you know.
How could you warp the mind of adolescents and teen-agers by involving them in abortion? Did you forget what Jesus said about those who teach evil to the young: that it is better for them to be drowned with a mill-stone around their necks than to scandalize the little ones? I hope God has mercy on you.
You say the march was for pro-choice. How can you "choose" something if it is just one-sided? That is not choice, but manipulative and deterministic. Why do abortionists hide the truth about abortion and never reveal all the facts? What are they afraid and ashamed of? How can one make a choice under those conditions? What you are really doing is just duping people, like all those poor fooled women who now cry till their dying day the regretted abortion they performed. The only choice you really make is the one to ignore the facts that you consciously choose not to know.
You spoke also about "reproductive freedom and justice". Are those just fancy words for the liberty to genital licentiousness and promiscuity independently, regardless and careless of any moral responsibility? With all the uncontrollable and chaotic hanky-panky action going on, how much more freedom do you need?
I am truly surprised that you support "Roe vs. Wade". Do you know anything of the history of that decision? I would recommend the reading of a good book for you that will give you the complete truth of that big sham decision. It is called "Women and Choice" and can get it at The playboys of this country made it all up, and had it all figured it out, for the Supreme Court to legalize their playboy activities with their playmates. It was a man's decision and plot, to exploit a woman's body to the last piece of her flesh. Is that what you approve of? Are you a serious, mature Christian mother and woman, or a playgirl and supporter of the playboy mentality?
So you want to be instrumental in keeping up the horrendous business of baby killing. What would you think if your mother thought like you? You would not even be here to think about the matter, since you would have been butchered by her in her womb. So I say to you, THINK and don't just be a copying machine or parrot, that simply blurts out what is fed into it.
Father Anthony Mellace

The Sins of Brazil

                               Mutilated Images

In the State of Sao Paulo alone, the socialist ex-Governor, candidate now to mayor of the biggest city of South America, who is also a practicing abortion doctor, realized his diabolical fun and games during the period that he has been administering the area. This past year, he distributed more than five million free contraceptive pills. He gave away twenty thousand “morning after” pills and abortive intra-uterine devices. Under his rule, the State of Sao Paulo realized more than forty thousand free tubal ligations and vasectomies. In the hospitals, he also made sure that 25 million condoms were given freely to everyone. All this has been done with the blessings of 50 million dollars of taxpayers’ money. This Governor even smiled and shook the Pope’s hands when he came to Brazil, declaring what a good Catholic he was (imagine if he was a bad one?!).

  How sad this all is! People in this country have become simple livestock. They have lost every trace of human dignity and pride and their values have been stepped upon and treated with contempt. How many souls will be lost through all this moral violation and grave sinfulness? No wonder that Padre Pio declared that souls are falling into hell like leaves off a tree during a windstorm or snowflakes on a winter day.

    Every week-end, I go from parish to parish in Sao Paulo, selling my DVDs that speak out against abortion, contraception and sexual immorality. I present DVDs that teach NFP and the sanctity of marital relationships. Yet, three out of five churches slam their doors in my face and reject my material with deep anger. The pastors refuse to allow me to present these things to the people that urgently need them. They do not allow themselves entrance into heaven and block the way for their parishioners also. The punishments predicted by so many saints will fall upon Brazil and the millions that will perish in the upheaval will simply be due to their obstinacy in not following God’s law. May God have mercy on these shepherds and pagans alike on that terrible day. Didn’t 1,900 priests perish in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany? Maybe if they had spoken to their parishioners with one united voice against Nazism they would been alive to this very day. The same is true for the priests who cannot be bothered with the contraception or abortion issue. Their camps of death will soon gather them too.

Father Anthony Mellace

article for any newspaper to print:

        Pseudo-Constitution of a Medico-Pharmaceutical Technocracy
There is much more to the Health Reform Bill than Americans think there is and the question is not only about abortion, but concerns the loss of other basic freedoms. Unless we wake up, we will find ourselves all subject to the tyrannical rule of an oligarchy of maddened medics. The attractive name of “health reform” is really a blueprint of a brave new world run by a half dozen chemical magnates. Obama, in his book said frankly that our US Constitution, after three centuries, has already served its purpose and is now time to write a new one. He said we should discard the old one and elaborate a new document based on modern pragmatic philosophy. Obama meant what he said and his sneaky health bill is the expression of his socialist ideology and agenda.
I want to thank the columnist Elizabeth Szlek of the “Rome Observer” newspaper for her excellent article that exposes the frauds and dangers in the proposed health bill. There is much controversy over this legislation, yet few people actually took the time to read what it really says. It is amazing how people (bishops, priests, politicians, reporters, etc) can argue to no end about something they never even read! Mrs. Szlek tells us that one group did take the time to read the hundreds of papers and was the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. The following is what they found written in the proposed legislation:
a)    Mental Health Parity: “..people can become chronic psychiatric patients, being diagnosed with spurious diseases  and drugged into a stupor, forever, or until they die of drug effects..”

b)    Community Based Teams: They will be given the authority to “..Identify and refer at risk children with developmental and behavioral problems and drug them away...”

c)     School Based Health Clinics: “..a way for non-parents to take control of the minds and bodies of children. Children, without the permission of parents, will be screened for supposed mental disorders, crisis intervention and emergency psychiatric care and drugged to no end..”

d)    Public Health Intervention: This is screening and clinical referrals for individuals between 55 and 64 years of age. “..They will gracefully pass out of the picture as soon as possible. The drugs will help get them there faster..”

e)    Paraprofessional Mental Health Workers: “..They will screen kids for mental illness. Through terrible screening devices, kids will be shuffled off to the pill doctor and become chronic mental drug customers..”
As one can see, Obama is implanting his personal version of Nazism in our nation by means of the establishment of a modern form of the SS composed of private medic goons who invade one’s right to privacy and sinisterly select those whom they consider worthy of life or not by their sick neo-Arian standards and methods. Are we Americans to put up with this non-sense and see our rights removed from underneath our noses? Isn't it high time that we impeach this insane leader of ours and his perverted ideas of a chosen American race before he eliminates the most of us that in his deep and psychotic hate would love to get rid of if we allow and give him a chance to do so?
Father Anthony Mellace


Fire water

As long as I am on the subject of health issues, I did want to warn everyone about the Listerine Corporation. This acidic bleach and detergent-like mouthwash almost burned my teeth out. I hate the stuff and consider it highly corrosive. In Brazil, I use Malvatricin because it is very mild, antiseptic and natural (made from the malva plant). Unfortunately, Malvatricin has been taken off the shelves and replaced with the Listerine mouth eater. It now dominates the world market. I think it was purposely done by the pharmaceutical industry to corrode everyone’s teeth and provide more money for dentists. I think everyone should wake up and start fighting the takeover of companies that remove every option from our lives in order to impose and expand their aggressive empires.

Father Anthony Mellace

The Persecution under Emperor Obama

                 Are Catholics Afraid of the Cross?

So Barak and the Democrats have established the Republic of Obamalandia in the good old USA and got their way in obligating everyone to pay for the murder of innocent children with taxpayer money. This is interesting. In truth the law is unconstitutional and the Supreme Court should see to it to declare it as such. It is a violation of a religious conscience to obligate someone to give his money to murder someone else.

Really now, this is the fine moment of true and authentic Catholics to come forward. I am not talking about those dung Catholics who supported the Democratic Party, Obama and his anti-life legislative projects. They are nothing more than gangrene within the body of Christ and will fall off like any diseased member. I am speaking about those Catholics who are not afraid of persecution or death for the name of Christ, similar to the early Christians who did not burn incense to the emperor and sacrificed their lives in the Roman arenas.

It is up to the fearless Catholics to now figure out what percentage of their tax money will be used for abortions and to withhold it in their payment. If Obama unleashes the police against them, then they will be ready to face imprisonment, fines, persecution and loss of life and property. This, of course, is to avoid causing and financing the death of more innocent unborn children. If others want to include the money in their taxes to pay for the death of children, that is their problem. The true follower of Christ will not stain with blood his conscience and soul by giving his tax money to murder others. If he does, he is then an accomplice in the death of the unborn.

In this case, bishops and priests are to guide their flocks in their resistance of paying the tax money that would be used for abortions.
Father Anthony Mellace

Emotional Pain of the Elderly

                    Solitary Cross of the Elderly

                   I wanted to share some reflections that I have concerning the elderly. They are part of what I call "the vulnerable group" of society (along with the unborn, children, the physically, mentally and emotionally handicapped, etc.). Because of their fragile condition, they do merit our special attention, care and love.

                  One of the deep suffering the elderly go through is the loss of a spouse, which is very hard for them to support. It is understandable. They have practically shared a life together and truly became one. The death of their other half is, in a sense, a death they go through too. A Brazilian statistic showed that 40% of heart attacks take place among widows, divorced and separated couples, and are in truth, due to the loss of the beloved person. I think that a visiting angel could comfort a lonely elderly person by listening and talking frequently about the spouse they had lost. The elderly love to speak about and mention very much the person they shared a life with. It is a way for them to release the hidden pain they bear.

             A second suffering that the elderly go through is the absence of their children. Though they love them, they are sometimes too proud to ask their sons and daughters to visit them. They would love to be surprised by the spontaneous presence and communication of their children. In their old age, they miss their children greatly. A visiting angel, in a very delicate, prudent manner could somehow have the children be aware of how much their parents really miss them and feel their absence. The visit they might make should never be something obligatory, but truly desired from the heart.

            Of course, the elderly love any visit they receive. Loneliness is a terrible suffering. Visiting angels could arrange as many people as possible for the elderly person. This would really brighten up their world. The elderly also love to recount their past experiences and the times they lived through. A visiting angel should have much patience in listening to them and sharing in the joy felt by an elderly person telling his stories.

          The subtle thing about affirmation is that it has to be always adequate (or cut down) to the unaffimed person's world, or else it doesn't work. For example, people will say "why did so and so commit suicide? He was surrounded by so many people who loved him!" True, but he was not open to that love and it didn't work its magic. Such people, though good as they were, were not meaningful to him. The person who is to affirm him has to be someone meaningful for him. Someone's spouse, child, or friend important to him, is the candidate that will do the affirming.

             Father Anthony Mellace

True Journalism

Criteria for Authentic Journalism

C…., the owner of the “U….” was upset with me for mercilessly criticizing and chewing out one of her young reporters because of an article that he wrote unjustly attacking the Catholic Church. I am sorry, but anyone who insults my mother will feel the slap of a sharp hand on his cheek. He got what he deserved.

Newspaper editors don’t seem to know what a true journalist is anymore. To begin with, a journalist is a lover, seeker and defender of truth. He is to put on paper truth and only truth. Unfortunately, the great majority of journalists are simply paid liars, like the ones that spread the false news that Jesus’ body had been robbed from the tomb. Journalists are also to make the distinction between constructive and destructive truth and speak of the first one. I do not turn the TV on channel 2, 9 or 10 from Syracuse, NY to see several expressionless, dumb, dead, robot type, baby face, blonde, china doll anchor women telling me of local rapes, grocery thefts, cocaine dealers, etc.; things of which I already know of. These are destructive truths. Why do they never show a news item dealing with someone who visited a hospital, helped a hospice, spent time with an elderly person, etc.? These are constructive truths that uplift a community and inspire people to do good and wonderful things for others.  People also expect of journalists competent and noteworthy news work. To hear a reporter talking about a dog or cat that became sick with fever and needs help is stupid and silly and shows the laziness and incompetence of the reporter in coming up with something better. Human beings slaughtered in abortion mills should be the type of themes that they should investigate and denounce. These are the extremely important truths they need to spread to all.

Finally, a news report needs to have backing, foundation, and citations and shown all sides of the issue. If I am going to attack the Catholic Church, I am going to back it up with proofs and evidence and not because I heard this from an untrustworthy biased third party (as the prejudiced and incompetent reporter of the “U….” did). I can’t believe that so many years in a journalist school could produce such a nit-wit. I will also be objective and interview the authorities and legitimate representatives of the Church and investigate her official documents to see her side of the matter. It is in this way that an honest, competent, mature and real journalist prepares and presents his material.

Father Anthony Mellace