quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Letter to the Bishops of Delaware

Dear Excellency,
                            As you are well aware of, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware who is a Catholic and a pro-abortionist was elected vice-president of our country. Due to his very powerful and influential position in government, he has given grave scandal before our nation and discredited our Catholic Faith. My question is why the Catholic hierarchy of Delaware took no action against him? You might ask me: what sort of action is to be taken? Is it the act of excommunication utilized in Medieval Times and that really has little or no meaning and effect in our modern society?
                          I would suggest employing the method counseled by Jesus Himself. First, you would call the Senator and have a private conversation with him behind closed doors. Enlighten him as to what it means to be a true Catholic and the basic requirements for remaining one. Explain to him the things that are absolutely incompatible with our Catholic Faith, that give public scandal and which no authentic Catholic is allowed to support, hold or promote. All this could be said with firmness, gentleness and politeness. If you can have him come to an understanding of what being a Catholic is and he accepts your words, and then praised be God. If he refuses to listen, then invite the bishops of the Northeast region to also instruct him on Catholicism and pressuring him to be consistent with the religious beliefs he professes. If he still refuses, then write to the Pope and ask him to send an official declaration on what he needs to do in order to remain in the Church. If he refuses even the highest authority of our Catholic Church, then you have no choice but to publicly declare that he is no longer a Catholic and not permitted to receive Communion in your diocese. You need to protect your flock and the reputation of our Church against this false and obstinate rebellious Catholic who defends child murder. I hope that wisdom and courage fills your heart before this challenging situation in Delaware.
Respectfully yours,
Anthony  Mellace

Convention of Fools

I feel so sorry for the USA. In its obstinate blindness it has finally lost all its sense of balance, common sense and morality. It will stagger like a drunken giant and fall in the pit that it has dug for itself. This nation will perish precisely for lack of leadership and vision. It has become a country of fools guiding fools. Now how is it possible to open the eyes of a fool and have him realize that he is one? The greatest disaster of a fool is that he really thinks he is a wise man. The Convention in Denver marks the final twilight of American civilization. Similar to the Jacobin mob that rolled off heads in Paris and ravaged and destroyed French society or the manifestation of Nazi power in the Berlin square that completely demolished Germany, so now is the stage set for the final fall of American democracy.
These proud peacocks truly believe they will change American society for the better and make it a prosperous nation once again. They forgot, however, that they have no foundation on which to build on. Health, education, social justice, etc is impossible without the strong structure of the family, human dignity and respect for the basic value of human life. This has been true throughout history in every civilization and those who do not believe this will sadly have to repeat it by suffering the same thing that each country went through for refusing these principles. Do they think that you can construct a happy and peaceful society on homoeroticism, baby murder, manipulation of human life, and other unmentionable horrendous practices that the democrats speak with such natural calmness and acceptance? Did the Roman leaders really think they could keep their civilization going while approving of sick entertainment of the masses with gladiator murders, burning of Christian martyrs and open orgies on public stages?
I thank God that I have gotten out of the USA in time. I do not want to be there when the great punishment will strike it. I feel much safer here in Brazil. If I were you, the reader who lives in the USA, I would get out of that marked nation which will soon feel God’s wrath and go to a place that is more secure and safe, just like the Jews that fled Germany before Hitler seized full power. Anyone out in an open field that sees an ominous and threatening dark cloud coming will pick up his things and run for shelter and safety. The time is short and it is best to get away while it is still possible to do so.
Anthony Mellace

Obama's Garbage Money

As everyone knows, our illustrious national leader Obama lifted the ban that prohibited American dollars from being used in foreign countries to murder unborn children. Now I ask: with what right does this arrogant cockroach president act to put his nose into the private and domestic affairs of our world neighbors? Can you imagine the embarrassment, insult, humiliation and disrespect that nations feel when American crime organizations, with the approval of our naïve president, come to them in our name and offer them blood money to reduce their populations because they are a threat to our capitalist economic system? No wonder Americans are hated in the world! If one of these countries reacts in rage and punches us in the eye (as happened with 9/11), we feel resentment and blame the other side for our woes. Our Lady at Fatima said that Russia would spread her errors throughout the world, but she should also have mentioned the evil that the USA also provokes. Do we think that we can simply attack the moral values of foreign nations that we don’t like and just expect them to swallow such grave affronts without striking back in righteous anger? Maybe I should write a letter to the President of Brazil and ask him to send a generous amount of money to the Kenyan government and ask them to implant a national program to eliminate the old and decrepit, including Obama’s grandmother. I would love to see Obama’s reaction in having a taste of his own bitter medicine. If a young man were to rape the daughter of his neighbor, how would the whole family feel about such a despicable act? What sort of attitude and treatment would he receive from them?
Obama says that he is worried about the economic crisis, yet he can afford to send 250 million dollars to assassinate foreign babies. What sort of crisis is this? Why didn’t he use these 250 million dollars to create more jobs for the unemployed in America? Why is America so preoccupied with the populations of nations that have nothing to do with her? They don’t need her blood money; they can very well take care of their own matters. They have much wiser leaders with better and more humane solutions than the one proposed by our shameless donkey president. Some people think that the 250 million dollars are sent to finance pre-existing abortion clinics outside of the USA. It is nothing of this sort. The money is employed to implant aggressive anti-birth campaigns and extreme liberal abortion laws by paying foreign leaders to dedicate themselves in seeing that such legislation is approved. That is what happened in Brazil. International Planned Parenthood, the Ford Foundation, Feminist organizations, etc. all sent money to certain “Judas’s” within the socialist party to change the country’s Constitution and liberate abortion in the nation. They attempted this five times in the past, but failed miserably. The Catholic hierarchy, pro-life organizations and other religious groups involved themselves vigorously in the battle and motivated the population against the proposed laws. We had some pretty astounding victories and life triumphed on this side of the world.
Now Obama’s blood money in Brazil has awakened other traitors to attempt abortion for the sixth time now. These stubborn and obstinate jackals never quit. They don’t realize though, that our pro-life forces are ready to take them on again. The Socialist party, in their third national meeting with President Lula, reaffirmed its position on abortion and promised to continue to have it approved in Brazil. Backed by our American tax dollars sent overseas to these socialist hyenas, they are now animated to remove the law protecting the unborn in Brazil. With the alarm ringing in the country, the pro-life forces have mobilized themselves. On March 28, 2009, a strong protest on the part of the population took place simultaneously in all the central squares of the capitals of each Brazilian State. Obama can send all the money he wants, but he will be surprised when he realizes that he hit a wasp’s nest here and will be stung hard in his pride. I remember once of a favela built on the side of a cliff. Those who lived on the top would throw their garbage into a small creek that brought it down below. The garbage piled up and bred rats. The lower part of the favela became infested with the rodents that invaded and entered into the homes.   Those who lived below became resentful with the inhabitants at the top of hill who threw the garbage in the water that polluted their environment. The despicable Obama has thrown such low down material on this side of the world and raised the Brazilian rats and vermin intent on spreading moral diseases amongst the population. May God have mercy on this sick and perverted mind that is our so-called hope of the world!
Anthony Mellace

Thirty Pieces of Silver

Some friends and I were discussing and speculating on Obama’s proposed solution to the economic crisis of the USA. We all agreed that it was a pretty doomed package. Our prediction was that the trillion dollar alms of the government towards the voraciously money hungry and financially addicted institutions of the nation would end up in oblivion and smoke, provoking a terrible crash and immense social chaos. This in itself would churn up widespread violence, hatred, confusion and even civil war in America. Before such a scene, Obama would then request special martial powers in the nation to dominate the situation as he would see fit. This consequently would mark the end of America and its freedoms and the beginning of persecution against all human life.
Dennis Howard, a friend of mine, commented that the amount of money approved to deal with the crisis roughly corresponds to the accursed profits gained from the abortion business since 1973. That is why the economic package is doomed and represents the thirty pieces of silver for which Judas betrayed Christ. As Judas threw the silver coins into the Temple in anger and despair and took his life by hanging, so the blood money of the millions of innocent babies that were murdered will now be desperately thrown back into the Temple of the American economy. This, however, will represent her symbolic suicide. It will not wash her of her guilt.
In his treatise “On Widows”, St. Ambrose tells us that the reason why the Jews were dispersed all over the world without a proper national identity was due to their cruel and unjust treatment of widows and “minors”.  They have wandered from nation to nation without a home, job or name throughout the centuries. Yet, they still did not learn their lesson, since they still continue ill-treating the “minor” with their pro-abortion stance in government positions. Americans will suffer the same fate and punishment. They have expelled the “minor” from its natural home in the womb, and therefore, many have been expelled themselves from their own homes taken by the banks. As the life of the unborn was cut short in the womb, so have many worker’s lives been cut short through unemployment. If America continues with abortion, the worse is still to come, when they find themselves without even a country to live in. Egypt, for having killed the firstborn of the Jews, was totally ruined and its economy collapsed and leaders drowned. December 12, of 2012 (12/12/12) will be the end of Obama's term and the feast day of Our Lady of Guadeloupe (name meaning she who drowned those who were murdering us). Will all abortionists be drowned on this momentous day of a final victory against abortion by the Mother of God? Assassins be aware since your day is coming and coming very soon!
Anthony Mellace

Who is Afraid of the Dark?

Obama, the dancing shadow on a stage of human history doesn't realize is who he is going up against when he swears to promote abortion. We pro-lifers have the best of the fight in our favor. For one thing, God is on our side and all those who have fought against God lost miserably in their attempts to beat Him. Like Pharaoh of old, Obama himself will be drowned in the waters of Divine wrath. God has never lost a battle and never will. In second place, we have the powerful Virgin Mary, all the angels and saints to intercede for our victory. Is Obama counting on his atheism and the devil to give him power to win? He will be overthrown and cast into hell along with that demon. Third, we have reason and right on our side since we defend legitimate human life. Obama will be known in history as one of the greatest liars and inventor of falsehoods and this notoriety will be carried by him forever with shame and disgrace. Fourth, our mission to save human life is a most noble and urgent one while that of continuing the murder of millions of babies is the most criminal and greatest act of cowardice on the part of an intelligent man like Obama. Fifth, the promise of the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart will mean the end of over 35 years of demonic rule in America and nightmare horrors of the killing of untold numbers of defenseless children. Obama has no such promise that abortions will last forever. He might guarantee abortion during his administration, but that will be of a short period, since God will be swift to act in His justice. How many years did Hitler last? It was not more than two decades. If Obama has in mind to have abortion last as long as our country will, then God will make sure to destroy and end our country in order to rid it of abortion, unless of course, we were to wise up as a nation and get rid of child murder before it is too late.
If Obama thinks that the pro-lifers will not counter attack to his counter attack, then he does not realize the strength of God’s grace and glory. I know that the American hierarchy is practically worthless and extremely weak (like the same one of Nazi Germany that also hailed Hitler into power), but God has his 7,000 who have not bent their knees to Baal. There are many strong Catholics, as well as non-Catholics, ready to shed their blood and be martyrs for the defense of the unborn. Mary, at Fatima, predicted that the “good” (not the Catholics) would be martyred in our times. If Obama wants to put more saints on our calendar, then let him glorify God in this way. On his part, he will go down in history in the long line of cruel tyrants like Herod, Nero, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung who tortured and killed Christians for defending human rights and dignity. If Obama does not truly convert himself and stop being a false Christian or Moslem, he will burn forever in hell for his terrible sins.  Neither Christians nor Moslems admit or accept the horrible practice of abortion. Come on Obama, come on with your henchmen and henchwomen, Kennedy, Clinton, etc and all their power, wealth and fame against the pro-life movement and you will be surprised as to what you will meet up with. The blood you shed in this nation will be the one that will cry out from the earth to condemn you forever.
Anthony Mellace

Black Page of American History

In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope”, President Barak Obama stated that the Founding Fathers “..rejected..the ideology..of any tyranny that could lead future generations to a one inalterable course or lead majorities or minorities to the cruelties of the Inquisition, the pogroms, gulags or jihads.” (page 103, translation from the Portuguese version is mine). With such a declaration, Obama really stuck his foot in his mouth. I am sorry, Obama, but you do not seem to understand that not even the most perfectly organized and most well developed political structure of a nation is no guarantee that such a country will not practice cruelties. Virtue and respect for one’s neighbor and his rights do not come from separation of powers or the Federalist papers, but from the hearts, minds and souls of men and women imbued with the gifts of the Spirit of God and His grace. That is the only true security against man’s inhumanity to man. That is why even the Founding Fathers, in their earnest search for a well balanced governmental structure, still added that our nation was to be recognized as one under the sovereignty of God. They trusted Him more than their own projects or ideas of a balance of powers to protect the rights of citizens. If Obama thinks that now he will perfect our political structure and make it sin proof without the necessity of a God, the Tower of Babel he thinks to construct will miserably crumble to pieces.
America is not a perfect country nor did it prevent cruel practices in its past. It too, has had its black pages in history and the blackest one is the present. 35 years of murdering its own American unborn children represents its worst period and with Mr. Obama in power, there will be no end to the slaughter for the future. To kill an unborn or born child through the horrible crime of abortion is much worse than the Inquisition, pogroms, gulags or jihads. Our much praised and admired American democracy has realized more unjust and cruel tortures towards the most defenseless and vulnerable human beings than have realized the strictest and most oppressive dictatorships towards their own adult people. America, unfortunately has failed as a nation, not because of its political structure, but because of its deep immorality and lack of respect for the basic right to one’s very life. Democracy in America ended on January 22nd, 1973. Since then we have been under the cruel rule and dictatorship of a medical and judicial technocracy.
Obama is against a tyranny that could lead future generations to a one inalterable course, yet isn’t he and his democratic cohorts doing exactly this with the abortion issue? Why is it  that this question, more than any other one, was railroaded through the Supreme Court with not the least chance of having it discussed and studied by the Congress, the people, the scientific community, the religious leaders of the country, etc.? Why is it that if by any chance, abortion could be outlawed, multiple organizations and the media raise themselves up in alarm and fury and muster all their diabolical energies to make sure that no such thing takes place, yet  no other issue is addressed with such energy, obsession or fanaticism? Why can certain matters like war, legality of arms, taxes, immigration, death penalty, etc.  in diverse periods be allowed and made legal and other times not allowed and made  illegal, yet no one gets upset with the legislative changes made in their respect. Abortion is the only issue that society fights tooth and nail to never change, but feels a shiver of terror if even a chance of outlawing it exists!! What makes this issue so different from the others? It is because it will be an eternal source of money for profiteers. The sex urge is something inherent in a person’s nature. It will never die. Through the urge, people involve themselves in genital acts and the girls get pregnant. The next step then is the money made from abortion. What a great deal! Conceived babies, like McDonald hamburgers, will never go out of style or existence, but serve as a constant source of revenue. Abortion, therefore, must last as long as America itself. It is necessary, however, that to shut up the oppositionists to abortion, a strong legislation is needed to secure it once and for all in the books. Obama will be the man to see to that. So, Mr. Obama, you are adamantly against any tyranny that could lead future generations to a one inalterable course, yet you are just that very tyranny defending the unquestionable and unchallengeable abortion industry of America. Why is it that your democrats’ robots can disagree amongst themselves on any issue they wish, but not allowed to disagree on abortion? Why they are all silent on this matter and bow their heads in common submission to it? Who is exactly this mafia that controls your very mind and wills?
Anthony Mellace

The Almighty divinity

In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope” President Barak Obama revealed the depth of his profound stupidity when he stated that the Founding Fathers did not believe in “absolute” truth. What on earth is an “absolute” truth??? A truth either is or is not. A truth is simply one or else it is a lie. There is no such thing as an absolute, relative or half truth. Half truth is just another term for a lie. Truth is synonymous to being and therefore it is or is not.  If by use of the term “absolute” Obama is trying to say that the Founding Fathers really had doubts about what they were writing in the Declaration of Independence or our Constitution, then he is dead wrong. On the contrary, the Founding Fathers were so comfortable, sure and convinced of the truth that they even called some to be “self-evident” principles needing no proofs or logic to sustain and defend them. They took common sense for granted, something that Obama has wandered long away from.
What Obama is trying to do is to really undermine the foundations and principles on which our country is based and built upon through complicated and tricky sophistic arguments. He is trying to do away with truth altogether and establish his own which everyone will be obligated to obey. It is interesting to note how many times Obama mentions the theme of abortion throughout his book. Did he really get involved in politics to have this horrible evil established once and for all? Why so much sly interest in the question on his part? Is he part of an international and national conspiracy to get abortion ideologically accepted by everyone? Is that his reason for becoming president? So now he is saying that during the period of Reagan and Bush, the truth prevailed that what is in the mother’s womb was a human being. Under the regime of Clinton and Obama, the child was and is no longer a human being. If you believe that truth is not absolute, as Obama claims, but something relative, then it changes with every administration. The fountain and source of truth is no longer nature or God, but Obama himself, the great divinity in power and authority. The Founding Fathers, according to Obama, were therefore wrong in believing that there are pre-established sacred truths coming from God as their source. No! Truth is something that comes from the one lucky enough to get himself into a position of command! Pravda! Remember the Communist idea of Truth? It is the State that dictates and defines truth and no other entity is permitted to do this! So our author does not believe in an objective moral order, or in truth and the principles in which our country depends on for her existence. What is he doing here anyway? Why doesn’t he go back to Indonesia and try these ideas out there? Why is he trying to dupe the American people and catch them with their pants down? Why did people vote for him instead of seeing him as the sneaky fox that he truly is? I truly pity our poor ignorant nation!
Anthony Mellace

The Enemy Within

On page 100 of his book entitled “Audacity to Hope”, president Barak Obama states that “…I identify ideologically with the vision...of the Constitution…that should be interpreted having a mutable world as the context...” (Translation from the Portuguese text is mine) If these words are not directly smack out of and expressive of a pan-socialist creed, I do not know what are.  Obama has now come out of the woods and clearly stated his intention as leader of America: to take over the country and make it part of the socialist revolution. The words he has spoken in his book and the actions he would like to realize are exactly the same ones that Hugo Chavez executed in Venezuela, Morales in Bolivia, Lula in Brazil and other socialists in their own nations.
Socialists do not believe in democracy, but feel that the ideology needs to be imposed and implanted by a dictatorship. That is why the first thing they attempt to do once they get into a position of authority through a democratic process is to consolidate and solidify their power by abolishing, modifying, watering down or Rendering  powerless or useless the nation’s Constitution.  In other words, they destroy the very democratic process that they took advantage of to bring them to power. They despise the Constitution and simply see it as a bothersome stumbling block that gets in the way of their ambitions and goals. Obama has been too long away from American soil, living in nations foreign to our democratic institutions and ideals. He has been tinged with and infected by socialist ideals and beliefs and cares little for the true and authentic values of our country that identify us as free Americans. Never has America been in such danger of losing its hard won rights and freedoms as it is now with this sly enemy in power. He himself admits that it is lamentable that the socialist ideals of the 60’s were never put into practice in America and that he did not realize as a member of a socialist movement in his youth. Why does he only choose people from age 30 to 40 as his counselors and cabinet members? Does he, Like Hitler, only want advisors who have no memories of the past and therefore represent no danger for him to cite America’s traditional values and heritage? If Americans do not wake up to what this sleek speaking double tongue has planned for our nation, we will end obeying the dictates of a pan-socialist world order leader. For Obama, our Constitution is not something with defined laws, concepts and rules, but something that could be twisted, turned and interpreted to enforce and justify any decision that he himself will make (as have done all other socialists in their own nations). It is not Obama who will obey the Constitution, but the Constitution that will now express the almighty will of this foreign influenced self-made god.
Anthony Mellace

Obama's Political Observation

Upon my personal request, a friend of mine bought for me Barak Obama’s book called “Audacia da Esperanca” (Portuguese title translated “Audacity of Hope”) where the author expounds his socialist philosophy and ideas. The book cost about 20 dollars and is easy and interesting reading.  The author has a very flamboyant style and his insights compose themselves in different angles and prisms. He speaks openly and frankly and has a touch of humor to his narratives. In one of the chapters, he gives a brief summary of the political history of the USA from 1950 to the present times. He notes that in the first decades, politicians tended to be united in friendship despite the differences coming from their party positions and ideas. Obama says that the cause of this unity was the fact that all of these men had gone through the Second World War and it was this common experience that kept them friends despite their diverse political opinions. This unity amongst Republicans and Democrats made it possible for them to all work together for the betterment and security of the USA even if they did not always share the same social vision.
Obama laments the fact that today politics is something completely disunited, sectarian and deeply divided. It is this division amongst the diverse leaders that makes it so difficult for America to be guided along a secure path by its leaders. With confusion amongst the heads of government, the sheep too are scattered and lost in fear. Who does Obama seem to blame for all of this? In my understanding from reading his book, he seems to point the finger at Ronald Reagan. According to Obama, Ronald Reagan changed the nature of American politics. Reagan went beyond politics and turned his Republican party into a Messianic group with a moral imperative for America. The Republicans were now a political class of a subtle religious and moral nature that defended the country, family and good old traditional American values. If this was so, then who were the Democrats? They were forced into the position of being those who would therefore defend the nature of freedom under subtle liberal ideas and principles. These two groups now polarized themselves and became fanatical in their ideas and positions. Unity amongst them at this point, became something hopeless and farfetched. The Republicans were now the predestined “good guys” and the Democrats were the reprobates or “bad guys”.
 If Obama does not have that rock bottom insight of the importance and fundamental foundation of one’s right to life as the cornerstone of all human rights and social projects, then his audacity of hope, will be in truth,   a copout to illusion.
Anthony Mellace

White Wolf in Black Sheep's Clothing

In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope” President Barack Obama says that he recognizes the equal value of every individual. This, of course, is one more of his lies. He does not recognize the right to life of an unborn or born child and denies them their God given human and civil rights as persons and individuals. In other words, in blind obedience to the criminal practices of the Democratic Party, he discriminates against this particular class of people. His party should no longer be called “democrat” since this is a false name. “Demos” (people) do not rule since a portion of them are allowed to be murdered and denied all their civil rights in society. They should be renamed the “adultocrats” or even “adulterocrats” (since one of their members practiced adultery). Unborn or born children are not recognized by them as legal human beings.
In 1973, the Supreme Court stated that the unborn child was not a human being since they claimed there was not sufficient scientific evidence for this. Today, this sort of reasoning is no longer valid. Genetics has come a long way since then and made amazing and important strides and progress. We are now in 2012 and not 1973. We cannot use the arguments of that period to continue justifying the murder of innocent children. The evidence now is overwhelming in favor of a child’s life and his existence as a human being. Why do politicians, especially Democrats and Obama refuse to recognize this, especially when they pride to call themselves liberals, progressives and men open to and defenders of scientific advances, researches and accomplishments? I have no doubts that they know that what is in the womb is truly a human life, but refuse to defend this being formed in God’s image. They commit the grave sin and crime of sinning against the light. There are two basic reasons why Democrats and Obama accept the abortion industry: the financial profits involved in it and its use as an effective means of population control.
Abortionists pump thousands of dollars into the Democratic Party and therefore, this political group will always defend the criminal practice, not caring about the fact that it involves the taking away of a child’s life. Second, true to their socialist leanings and philosophy, the Democrats need to get rid of a part of the population if they want money and material goods to abound for the portion that was allowed to live. This has always been the macabre solution of socialists in every country they took over beginning with Russia in 1920. Socialists and Democrats have no real solutions to society’s problem except that of murdering the ones they feel cannot be a part of the birthday party since there is not enough cake to go around. The only difference with Obama is that he will now include the old and decrepit on his list.
There is a difference between a person with black skin and one that carries the heritage of an Afro-American descendent. One is not necessarily the other. The true Afro-American has an Afro-American heritage. What are these values? I remembered how I loved that book called “The Tales of Uncle Remus”. Uncle Remus represented the collective incarnation of the best and most precious values in an Afro-American: humility, joviality, simplicity, goodness, love, and deep spirituality, respect for the weak, old and delicate ones, family values, tolerance, forgiveness, openness to others, etc. Obama has nothing of an Afro-American in him, except black skin. A true Afro-American would never promote horrible things like abortion, euthanasia or homo-eroticism, things so foreign to their nature and ethnic heritage and values. In truth, Obama is a traitor to the values of the very group he comes from. Behind his black skin is a traitorous white soul. If he were an authentic Afro-American, he would shine in these values and defend human life at all its stages like a real hero, instead of a cowardly weakling. People think that just because he has dark skin that he automatically represents values of a Negro population. What if McCain was a black and Obama a completely white person? How would people vote then? Would they choose a black Republican or a white person with an Obama charisma? Would Oprah Winfrey donate millions of dollars to a Black Republican? Not all that shines is authentic gold! In my region of New York, the two Democratic politicians of Italian-American origin are a shame and disgrace to their race, since they defend abortion, things against our heritage and values. What makes an ethnic group to be one are not its negative failings and faults, but what it possesses as positive and enriching values, otherwise it loses its very identity and meaning.
Anthony Mellace

Obama's Nation without a Foundation

In his book entitled “Audacity to Hope” President Obama mentions and considers issues like abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality to be “personal” matters and decisions. If that is true, then what is the use in trying to defend, build on or promote laws based on an objective moral order? By stating and declaring that some moral questions are personal ones, one has undermined and destroyed the very foundation and structure of all basic values and created a Babylon of moral relativism.  With this sort of belief and teaching about morality, Obama has shown that he is, in truth, a practical atheist. God does not exist for Obama, and the last word on morality comes from his own selfish will, instinct, commodity and greed. Obama believes in a world of little individual gods who decide and trace out their own moral path and practice. There is no pre-established objective moral order inherent in nature put there by God Himself for men and women to base their laws on and respect. God and nature do not exist, and one’s selfish whims and caprices are the supreme rules of life.
Abortion is the intrinsic evil of butchering a defenseless, innocent unborn or born child and to Obama, this is simply a personal matter that the State will see that no one interferes with. Euthanasia is the intrinsic evil of killing an old, defenseless and weak human being by his doctor and nurse. This is a personal decision that Obama will guarantee the medical profession to realize. Homo-eroticism is the intrinsic evil of maintaining an emotionally tortured human being in the prison of his loneliness. Obama will make sure that he will not escape to freedom and maturity from this sentimental hell. What makes abortion, euthanasia and homo-eroticism to be a personal decision and issue and not others likewise? How are they different from pedophilia, child pornography, collective violence, injection of heroin, personal vengeance on someone who insulted me, etc? Aren’t these also personal decisions and matters? Where does one draw the line or limits? Once you open this Pandora’s Box, the principle applies to all situations.
What a pity! Barak Obama taught Constitutional Law at Chicago University and the man knows beans about it! This empty headed professor that taught his students all about the document on which our country is constructed, is a believer and promoter of moral relativism, something which the Founding Fathers absolutely rejected! Why did he run for president to begin with? Why did he run for senator or assemblyman? If he himself doesn’t believe in laws or an objective moral order, what is the use of holding a position of authority? Everyone, according to him, is mature enough to make their personal decision. Once you make of yourself a self-established deity, nothing is above you:  God, president, Constitution or federal laws. You are now the supreme law maker of your own final destiny. Obama does not seem to understand, as the Founding Fathers did, that you cannot form a society without basic building blocks like a belief in God and the sacredness and defense of human life. Obama’s book should really be entitled “Madness to Deity” because this is the real audacity he is looking for: a society based on selfish playboy whims free of a God and respect of human dignity and rights.
I believe that we should all start a movement to have Obama impeached immediately. The day that he swore to uphold our Constitution, he committed perjury, since he does not believe in the God he swore to or in the defense of human life that the Constitution guarantees to all of us. He lied and in truth, swore to promote his hedonistic playboy philosophy and mentality that despises and puts under the sole of its feet all of the sacred values that our country has cherished throughout its history. This dangerous type of character despised the precious values of our nation and worked towards establishing his own personal dictatorship since no one is above the idol he worships within his own heart.
 Anthony Mellace

Obama's False Empathy

On page 78 of his book entitled “Audacity to Hope” President elect Barak Obama stated that the “..repeated simple principle of my mother “What do you think that they would feel” was the master line of my political career..” (Translation from the Portuguese version is mine) Obama is a liar and did not put this principle of empathy into practice. “What do you think they would feel” was not practiced in regards to women who were victims of pornography or abortion. Obama does not care what these women feel like after being abused, humiliated and morally beaten by these crimes. He has no interest in the physical abuse and dangers that their bodies go through from these horrible things. He could care less about a woman emotionally destroyed by an abortion or subject to commercial use of her feminine dignity.
Though Obama frequently mentions the reproductive rights of women in his book, he completely ignores the existence of the unborn child. “What do you think they would feel” has no place in his heart in regards to the unborn child. He could give a damn about the tortures, slicing, puncturing, screaming, crushing, poisoning, burning, churning, etc. going on in or out of the womb of the mother in regards to a live and unborn human being that is a created person in the image of God. He does not care about “what do you think they would feel” by putting himself in the vulnerable position of a child threatened to have its life destroyed to see how it really feels to go through this. In his book, he constantly harps about how he had his share in fighting for the Negro’s civil rights, yet with natural and great ease he accepts the one third of abortions whose victims are black children themselves. In this case, he feels no irritation, anger or indignation, but even defends such a horrible crime. Black babies are killed every minute and this does not even touch or affect his Negro conscience. The truth is that Obama is nothing more than a sly sophist who is extremely astute in fooling people with his empty rhetoric. His ambition is to come to power and prestige and he will do everything to realize this. He even changed his religion, thus betraying himself and his own principles in order to realize his obsession. If he truly believed in democracy and his own dignity, he would have kept his own faith and ran for president as he truly felt inside of himself.  He is deeply dangerous for being profoundly intelligent and like an angel of light, capable of leading many astray by his lies.
Anthony Mellace

sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

Obama's Favorite Movies

On page 71 of his book entitled “Audacity of Hope” the elected President of our country Barak Obama stated that “...I like HBO and I don’t care what adults watch in the recess of their homes...” (The free translation from the Portuguese version of the book is mine). This is the man who is going to lead our nation and in whose hands lays the moral responsibility of millions of American families. First, he declares that he enjoys the pornography that he assists, and second, he does not give a hoot if such trash enters into the intimacy of marital and family life. He also implies that, as a legislator, he is going to do absolutely nothing in relation to the presence of moral filth in the media. He will simply ignore censorship and allow nudity and sex to freely flow into the hearts and minds of American men and women.
Pornography corrodes the human soul and brings to an animal-like and brutal state. It destroys all types of moral, family and religious values. Pornography is genital sex effectuated in isolation by means of vision. Pornography is the reduction and closing of the mind and heart to all genuine human values, abandoning these faculties to only the sexual one. Suddenly, the human person, by means of film presentation, is turned into an object of genital gratification for the viewer.  The viewer, in this sensual experience, has become blind to the true and authentic meaning of the body and dignity of the human person. Maybe that is why Obama cannot perceive anymore the dignity of the unborn child (due to the great amount of impurity in his heart). A viewer dominated by this type of solitary sex is also generally deaf to the voice of love. Pornography, in essence, is incompatible with love.
People accustomed to practice visual impurity end up with a cold heart. They fall into spiritual blindness and have a depraved, empty and defective type of personality. The more they fill their hearts with moral filth, the more empty and depraved is their daily life. For the impure, nothing mysterious or sublime exists in sex. They become subject to their instincts and do not care with whom, when or under what conditions genital sex is practiced. It is interesting to note that with the rise of pornography on TV, rapes, child abuse and sexual violence in society has also risen proportionately. Of course, Obama does not care about that because he will be too busy watching his HBO movies.  Impurity destroys, devours and disintegrates the being of a human person. The impure person is a living dead, internally defunct, spiritually morbid. His vision is opaque and he cannot perceive the world of values around him. God help us with this blind man leading a likewise blind nation. They will all fall into the pit!
Anthony Mellace