sábado, 17 de março de 2012

What is Prayer?

Teaching on Prayer
   The classical definition of prayer is "the uplifting of one's mind and heart to God". Prayer is so important that without it, we are unable to obtain eternal life. This is because God who created us "without us, will only save us with our collaboration." He desires that we resort to the practice of prayer, in order to freely accept and obtain the graces necessary to lift us up. St. Alphonsus Liguori used to say that those who pray much will receive abundant graces of sanctity and salvation, those who pray little put their salvation at risk, and those who never pray guarantee the loss of their souls.
   The simplest type of prayer is vocal. Vocal prayer could be expressed in set formulas or by our own inspired words. No one should criticize nor reject time honored formulated prayers (like the Hail Mary, Angelus, Memorare, Salve Regina, Confiteor, Glory Be, Sign of the Cross, Morning Offering, etc.) in the same way that he does not do so in regard to famous pieces of poetry and literature. We do not make fun of nor ridicule the "Pledge of Allegiance", the "National Anthem", "God Bless America", etc. just because they are not fruits of our own personal thoughts. Of course, everyone is free to express patriotic feelings in terms of his own if he so wishes, but time tested formulas are more noble and deeply meaningful.
     Some people attack vocal prayers because of their repetitive nature. How is that we never tire of repeating the same sins also? If we hurt someone in 150 different ways, I think it only right that we enumerate, to the person in question, the 150 offenses that were proffered to her, asking pardon for each one. Romantic men never tire of always saying, a hundred times a day, the same words of love to their sweet-hearts. The verbal expression never seems to truly say what they feel in the depths of their being. Repetitive prayers are only irritating to those who make of prayer something routine, lifeless and purely intellectual (without involving the feelings). Evangelicals who attack traditional Catholic vocal prayers for being repetitive, on the other hand, spend hours in their churches parroting curiously formulated verbal rotes.
      The rosary is a combined type of meditative-vocal prayer. As one prays the traditional vocal prayers, at the same time, meditates on the mysteries of Christ's life. This spiritual exercise fuels one's sentiments for Christ. The remembrance of what Jesus did for us is engraved in one's heart. Through the daily recitation of the rosary, Christ becomes more present and alive to those who pray, as well as inspiring them to imitate and follow Him. Though the rosary is one of the oldest, most honored and efficacious prayer of the Catholic Church, yet it is not obligatory. If some people have difficulties praying this devotion, they could try others. I do not condemn anyone for not praying the rosary. Yet, having personally experienced its power in my life and that of others, I still continue recommending it to everyone.
Intercessory Prayer means that we prefer to channel our petitions through another person, rather than go directly to God Himself. This is something normal and should not upset anyone. When we look for a job, we sometimes try to find someone who is good friends with the owner or manager, in order to guarantee our request for work. They are our "intercessors". We feel that their power of influence over the one responsible for granting work is greater than ours. We have better chances of an audience with the president if recommended by a mayor, rather than trying to approach him directly ourselves. The opportunity is greater still if a senator were to speak for us, and better yet, if his personal cabinet member did it. The greater the representative, the easier the access to the authority in question is.
      In the same way, to guarantee an answer to our prayer, we have recourse to "intercessors" (like our priests, nuns, holy people, saints or Mary). The greater in sanctity the intercessor, the greater the possibility in receiving the grace we ask for. The Evangelicals should not criticize Catholics for utilizing intercessory prayer. They do it themselves. Every time an Evangelical asks his pastor to pray for him, he is employing intercessory prayer. When a pastor says that everyone should pray one for the other, he is also having recourse to intercessory prayer. In these cases, no one is going directly to God. The prayer is communal and vicarious.
  What really disturbs Evangelicals is the question of Mary: the thesis that without her, no graces are possible for humanity. They see this as an infringement on Christ's prerogative of being the sole dispenser of His Father's favors. Mary, as the sole mediator of all Christ's graces, is something believed by many Catholics and defended by many holy writers. The Mexican bishops had petitioned the Vatican to proclaim it as a dogma of the Church. The Catholic Church did not do it, since there is still much controversy on the subject. Yet she does not prohibit anyone to hold this view. I believe that a sincere and honest dialogue between Evangelicals and Catholics on this question could be fruitful and positive, rather than divide ourselves on things that should bring peace and charity.

  Father Anthony Mellace 

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