sábado, 17 de março de 2012

We are to obey God rather than Gays

Monkey Whimps
In a letter sent to and published by the Utica Phoenix, the gay activist Jeffrey Sterling shows that his intellectual formation is of a low plebeian level and of a practical nil value, especially in his argumentation and reasoning process. In his article, he thanks the NYS Assembly for passing the Marriage Equality Bill and says that” …it paved the road to equality and justice for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender families.” He especially thanks the baby killer RoAnn Destito and Paul Tonko for their approving vote in the matter. He bitterly attacked David Townsend, Marc Butler, Darrell Aubertine and Bill Magee for voting against the bill, accusing them of discrimination (doesn't a legislator have a right to follow his conscience and a right to defend traditional moral values without being humiliated by insulting, spiteful, immature and intolerant gay activists who insist on having their way at any cost like a spoiled bratty child that won't take a “no” for an answer?
Where is the respect and acceptance here for the democratic process?). Further on, he insults Joseph Bruno and my cousin Senator Joseph Griffo for opposing the marriage equality act. Senator Griffo justified his opposition to the bill because of his religious upbringing. I completely agree with him. Homoeroticism is condemned not only by the natural law, but by the word of God itself in Scripture. Now who am I going to listen to and give ear: the mere infantile mortal Jeffrey Sterling or our infinitely powerful Creator and source of wisdom, God Himself? It is not Jeffrey Sterling that will judge me on judgment day, but the source of all being who is God Himself, according to his law. St. Paul, His representative and voice on earth, tells us that homoerotics will not enter the kingdom of God and everlasting life. If Griffo supported the death penalty, he is within his own right. The Church is neither in favor nor against it. St. John Chrysostom, a bishop, saint and doctor of the Church, vigorously defended it.
Sterling even wants everyone to thank the politicians who voted in favor of gay marriages and considers them to be “integral”! Anyone who votes for the promotion of corruption in society is corrupt within himself or herself. There is no moral integrity in such people. He also calls on people to contact Senator Bruno and to encourage him to do what is “right and fair in regards to civil rights legislation.” He did do what was right and fair by opposing gay legislation and saving the true nature of marriage and not allowing a mockery of it with the homoerotic nonsense. The problem with Sterling and others like him is that they confound the concept of “equality” with “sameness”. The “marriage equality” act should be correctly worded the “marriage sameness” act. Gays simply want to be the same as heterosexual couples, like a chimpanzee wants to imitate an athlete.
It could never be, however, equal to the human athlete simply because in its nature it is not a human being. Gay marriages could never be equal to traditional Judeo-Christian Sacramental marriages because they have not the nature of them. They could imitate them and appear to be like them, just the same, but never even coming to a shadow of what they are. Therefore, for this reason, there exists no such rights of a gay marriage and the NYS Assembly cannot legislate anything in its regard. It could proclaim them to be somewhat similar if they wanted to, like declaring that a chimpanzee is somewhat similar to a human athlete, but it certainly won't grant it the right to participate in the Olympics, because it is simply not one in nature.
I am curious to know why the Utica Phoenix and the Rome Observer always publish Sterling’s articles but never put one opposing article to him. This shows the worthlessness of such cheap propaganda sheets. They are not true vehicles of unbiased information and fair journalism, but discriminating voices for those who fill their pockets with jingling coins.
Father Anthony Mellace

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