terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

The Power of Daily Mass

    For those of us who can, there is nothing better to do in life than to assist daily Mass. I will present many strong reasons for this:

1)    To begin with, the Holy Mass is the most powerful prayer on earth because Christ Himself is praying for us to the Father during this sanctifying action. If you were to take the most holy men of the planet, gather them together in one place and have them pray united during a whole year, their prayers would not match the power of a Mass celebrated by a priest alone. It is for this reason that the Catholic Church, in certain moments of history, preferred to lose entire nations rather than give up her Holy Mass. She recognizes the deep value of this Sacrament.

2)    Mary, in whose womb the Son of God became man, did not receive the privilege and power of consecrating mere bread and wine into the very Body and Blood of Jesus, that priests possess. Elizabeth was overjoyed to feel the presence of Christ’s grace in her womb, but never had the chance to receive Him in Communion as all of us can. The shepherds of Bethlehem and the three kings had the joy to behold the Child Jesus, but did not receive Him in Communion as we may if we so desire. The prophet Simeon and Ana waited 80 years just to see Jesus once and we can behold Him daily in our tabernacles. Many things that God denied to saints, we sinners have access to.

3)    There is no better or easier way to grow in sanctity than through the daily Mass.

4)     The Mass preserves us in doing good.

5)    It also grants us peace of mind and soul.

6)    Through this Sacrament, we receive an abundance of spiritual graces

7)    It helps us to arrive at contrition for our sins.

8)    Many people even found jobs and resolved their financial problems and difficulties after the practice of attending daily Mass.

9)    Through the attendance of daily Mass, many were helped to overcome evil. Others obtained victories against temptations, whether internal or external, of the devil or people. The Mass gives us an abundance of holy and good inspirations. It shakes us out of tepidity and spiritual inertia and excites and revives our religious fervor. It creates within us a more generous will. It purifies our intentions and turns them into selfless and holy ones. Years of Mass attendance evens gains us the precious grace of final perseverance. Many have even recovered their health or reached material prosperity through the Mass.

In regards to society and the world, the Mass has granted the following benefices:

1)    It has preserved the world from or put an end to epidemics, earthquakes, wars, hunger, persecution, lawsuits, enemies, poverty and misery, calumnies, sudden deaths and injustices. If many of these things persist in various nations, it is because Mass is neither celebrated nor participated by the faithful.

2)    The Church has seen many of its children come to a great sanctity through the Mass.

3)    St. Theresa of Lisieux says that the Mass is capable of converting every sinner in the world and emptying out purgatory.

4)    It is foolish for us to wait until we die in order to have Masses said in our benefit. We could begin to have Masses said before we leave this world. At least it is guaranteed and we have the certainty and surety of receiving its graces. The intention for such a Mass would be to obtain a general forgiveness and pardon of all our sins.

Father Anthony Mellace

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