Some say that the Bible says very little about Mary. I do not know which Bible they read, but mine breathes this Virgin of God. The Bible talks about Mary before it even mentions Jesus. Right at the start of creation, God says to the serpent: "I will put enmities between you and the woman, your descendents and hers, they will crush your head and you will wound their heels." Genesis 3:15. Those (descendents) who follow Mary (the woman) will destroy the power of Satan and his pride (head) while he will attempt to persecute the humble and good (heel).
The holy women of the Old Testament were the prototypes of Mary and describe her qualities. Mary possesses the royalty of Sarah, the wisdom of Rebecca and the beauty of Rachel. Mary's beauty is exalted by King David in his famous psalm 44:10-18.
His son, King Solomon, also exalted Mary's mysterious Immaculate Conception and exceptional moral beauty with the following poetic expressions:
1) She is referred to as a lily amongst thorns
2) She is compared to a closed garden or a sealed fountain
3) In regards to her, he says: "You are all beautiful and there is no stain in you!" Song of Songs 2:2, 4:7. 6:9
Mary, the Immaculate Conception, is the patroness of both Brazil and the USA . If America is the greatest country in the world, we can thank her patroness Mary, for such a grace, privilege and gift. Mary is also the new Ruth (the Moabite) who leaves her people to be a part of us (Ruth 1:16). The conception of Jesus in Mary's womb without destroying her virginity is marvelously prefigured in the Old Testament examples of the bush that burned without being consumed: (Exodus 3:2), as well as the wool of Gideon (wet on a dry floor, and then dry on a wet floor) Judges 6:36-40.
Mary was present in all the principal moments and events of Jesus life: the Annunciation, Visitation, Birth, Presentation in the Temple and First Trip to Jerusalem . As Abraham consented to God to sacrifice his one and only beloved son, so Mary, too, consented to sacrifice her one and only beloved son Jesus, for our sake and salvation. Along with other holy women, Mary accompanied Jesus in all his missionary trips and preaching and attended to his practical necessities. She too, was His faithful disciple.
Mary was also present during the dramatic and momentous events of the Passion and suffering of Jesus. She knew about His abandonment by the Apostles, the denial of Peter and betrayal of Judas. St. John the Apostle took it upon himself to be her protector in this confusing and chaotic moment. Mary heard the shouts of the crowd to crucify Her Son and the cowardice of Pilate in condemning Him to death. This was the sword that St. Simeon had predicted would pass through Mary's heart. In her agony, she accompanied Jesus all the way to the top of Calvary . From the cross, Jesus made it a point to make us all children of Mary when he said, in the person of St. John : "Behold your mother", and then said to Mary: "behold your son." Mary was the first fruit of the Passion and victory of Jesus on the cross and His best gift to us (after the gift of salvation and the Eucharist). It was to her that he confided the riches, graces and fruits of salvation, to distribute to whomever she wished to. That is why she is the mediatrix of all graces and why we need to go to her to receive the means of salvation. (Gen: 41:55).
Mary was also present with the Apostles in the Cenacle and received the Holy Spirit along with them. The Apostles looked to her for enlightenment, encouragement and comfort, as the Catholic Church has always done throughout the ages.
Father Anthony Mellace
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