sábado, 17 de março de 2012

How to Close an Abortion Clinic

    The Supreme Court in 1973 legalized abortion in the USA, but never said anything in regards to abortion clinics (as far as I can recall). Planned Parenthood, under the presidency of the Afro-American Faye Wattleton, had birth control clinics. It was under her insistency that the criminal organization also utilized them for abortions. An abortion clinic involves a building, a neighborhood, personnel and clients. Under US laws, certain establishments have to abide by certain standards or else they are condemned and prohibited from functioning. Also, anyone is allowed the freedom to enter and exit as he pleases. Pro-lifers should enter the abortion chambers to get an idea what it is like inside. He should also solicit city hall to investigate any irregularities present in the building (fire hazards, stair-ways, hygiene, etc.) All it takes is one irregularity to close down the criminal building. If the neighborhood is pro-life, the people who live next to the murder chamber should complain to city hall to remove the facility (aborted babies in the trash cans that can cause infectious diseases, children having to witness the movement of teen-agers going to kill their unborn babies, etc.)
The personnel working at the clinic should be investigated and exposed. Their credentials and past criminal records should be checked and published in the papers or exposed on radio and TV. Their names should appear on church bulletin boards and newsletters with their pictures and activities. Why is it that the Catholic Church obligates fiancés to have their names put in public three weeks before the marriage date? Isn’t it to protect the dignity and free decision of marriage? Now isn’t human life even more important than marriage, yet no one exposes the assassins of these babies? The other clinics, hospitals and places where abortionist doctors and nurses work should be made public. Everyone should know if their health personnel also kill babies. As far as it is possible, the clients should be investigated as to whether they are legally allowed in the clinic (whether they are legally of age or have parental consent, etc). The laws vary from State to State. Any irregularity in this regards could also close the clinic and send the doctor and nurses to jail. Young pro-lifers could enter the clinic asking information about abortion and hiding a tape-recorder in their pockets to see if the clinic is abiding by the laws. If the clinic accepts abuses in regard to abortion, then they have acted illegally and criminally and could be shut down. Legal records should also be investigated to see if violations were committed in this area. The best way, however, to close a clinic is to have entire parishes, led by their priests, praying before it until God Himself consumes it in His Divine fire.
Father Anthony Mellace

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