Mutilated Images
In the State of Sao Paulo alone, the socialist ex-Governor, candidate now to mayor of the biggest city of South America, who is also a practicing abortion doctor, realized his diabolical fun and games during the period that he has been administering the area. This past year, he distributed more than five million free contraceptive pills. He gave away twenty thousand “morning after” pills and abortive intra-uterine devices. Under his rule, the State of Sao Paulo realized more than forty thousand free tubal ligations and vasectomies. In the hospitals, he also made sure that 25 million condoms were given freely to everyone. All this has been done with the blessings of 50 million dollars of taxpayers’ money. This Governor even smiled and shook the Pope’s hands when he came to Brazil , declaring what a good Catholic he was (imagine if he was a bad one?!).
How sad this all is! People in this country have become simple livestock. They have lost every trace of human dignity and pride and their values have been stepped upon and treated with contempt. How many souls will be lost through all this moral violation and grave sinfulness? No wonder that Padre Pio declared that souls are falling into hell like leaves off a tree during a windstorm or snowflakes on a winter day.
Every week-end, I go from parish to parish in Sao Paulo , selling my DVDs that speak out against abortion, contraception and sexual immorality. I present DVDs that teach NFP and the sanctity of marital relationships. Yet, three out of five churches slam their doors in my face and reject my material with deep anger. The pastors refuse to allow me to present these things to the people that urgently need them. They do not allow themselves entrance into heaven and block the way for their parishioners also. The punishments predicted by so many saints will fall upon Brazil and the millions that will perish in the upheaval will simply be due to their obstinacy in not following God’s law. May God have mercy on these shepherds and pagans alike on that terrible day. Didn’t 1,900 priests perish in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany? Maybe if they had spoken to their parishioners with one united voice against Nazism they would been alive to this very day. The same is true for the priests who cannot be bothered with the contraception or abortion issue. Their camps of death will soon gather them too.
Father Anthony Mellace
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