sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Past Abortion War

The Mortal Duel: Lula vs. Brazil
                            (Life Explosion Across the Nation)

    In 2002, the then Socialist Worker’s Party candidate for president, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, had promised the Brazilian bishops that he would never promote abortion, but defend human life. As soon as he was elected, he broke his oath and did exactly the opposite. He had lied to everyone in order to get votes. During his first and second term in the presidential office, he tried no less than five times to get abortion legalized in the country. To his frustration, he failed in every attempt. The last one in 2005 was a close call. Only one vote was lacking and the unborn nearly lost their legal protection in Brazil. In 2005, I myself was in the nation’s capitol giving lectures on affirmation psychology, sexuality and abortion. Shortly after, the Brazilian National Right-to-Life group was established. Was I, in some way, responsible for this? Only God knows.

    The zealous and animated group lost no time in mobilizing the people against the abortion proposals. State committees were formed all over the country and the National Pro-life Politicians Movement was organized to convince legislators to defend human life. Thirty-three Congressmen joined the group. In Sao Paulo, a pro-life manifestation was programmed for March 24, 2007. It was a tremendous success. Fourteen thousand people (according to the official count of the military police) participated in the central square in front of the Cathedral (though the pro-abortion newspapers retorted that it was only 5,000). The manifestation lasted four hours (10 am to 1 pm). Five bishops, four pastors, a Moslem leader, an oriental religious leader, six Spiritists, seven famous singers, various doctors, lawyers, jurists, scientists, medics and congressmen all participated and gave an enthusiastic defense of human life. The crowds cheered and roared in exuberance in favor of life and against abortion. It was a magnificent event and wonderful testimony to the preciousness of unborn human life.

  The pro-abortion press and TV stations pooh-poohed the event and gave it about 3 seconds on the air. They were angry with it. They had been sure that people would have approved of abortion. A gallup poll was taken and the result showed that 65% of the people would not vote in favor of the legalization of abortion. Lula himself became irritated and extremely annoyed and replaced the minister of health with a pro-abortionist doctor. His new minister, whose name was Tempora (meaning thunder storm in Portuguese), swore that he would have abortion legalized. Lula and Tempora began to persecute the congressmen that were against abortion. Tempora visited Fortaleza in the northeastern part of the country to present his pro-abortion project and agenda. He was greeted by pro-lifers who howled and hissed at him and threw tomatoes. He could not get a word through since the bands played loud pro-life songs and the people shouted: “Down with the minister of death! You are not a minister of health, but of death!” Tempora left the city under police protection, feeling extremely humiliated.

    The Brazilian pro-lifers swore to follow Tempora wherever he went in Brazil and to thwart his pro-abortion death projects. Tempora himself was afraid for his life and not at all happy about his situation. He finally stepped down. Lula reacted by secretly asking the powerful soap operas companies to put on chapters on abortion and present the actors with arguments in favor of it. On their part, the state committee leaders solicited to appear on TV programs and to challenge any pro-abortionists to open and public debate. In the last meeting of the State Pro-life group, it was decided that municipal committees would be formed in order to organize more manifestations on local levels.  Will Brazil be the first country in the world to finally be able to beat and reverse the advance of this undefeated world abortion plague that has taken control of all humanity? Will she show and lead the nations forward by her example and prove to them that, abortion after all, can be overcome and we can live without it? Exciting times are ahead here!

 This Sunday, Sao Paulo will have their second pro-life manifestation. The battle is on and Brazil is fighting for its life! If anyone would like to acquire a DVD copy of the March 24, 2007 RTL event in Brazil, please send me your name and addresss and 20 dollars to cover the costs of shipping and handling and I will have the material off to you.

Father Anthony Mellace

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