sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2012

Hitting Below the Belt

The “Right to Know” Laws

      Portugal is the first country of the world to enact the “Right to Know” Laws for women seeking abortions. It is not an option that the nation is offering, but an obligation which the new law requires them to fulfill. Since many abortionists, medical teams and profiteers dupe, deceive and lie to the females as to what abortion really involves and is all about, the new legislation is geared and directed to protecting the women’s minds and decisions by providing them with the truth in regards to the practice. The law simply gives them access to a basic right of theirs: the right to information.

    This right to information involves the following elements:

1)    That the being within their womb, from the moment of conception, is truly a human one, as medically and scientifically proved and evident. The pregnant woman is shown this by ultra-sound and other technical means.

2)     That the practice of abortion destroys and snuffs out the life of this being. This is realized either by metal bars which scrape out the womb and cut the babies to pieces, or with an injection of saline solution that burns him, or sucked out with a vacuum cleaner that churns him into a human juice.

3)    That this abortion will affect her physically (with internal hemorrhages and a damaged cut up uterus) or mentally (delirious torturing visions of her dead baby)

4)    That all this will be done at a financial price which will come out of her pocket

5)    Even though the last word is with her, she still has many options with organizations such as adoption agencies, homes for the unborn babies and mother, birthright, church groups, etc.

   All Americans who truly believe in honesty, fair play, sincerity, freedom of speech and free will should all fight to have the “Right to Know” Law enacted in this country. We could write to our legislators and President Obama to pass the law through Congress and protect women from human speculators. “Right to information” booths and offices could be established by the side of abortion clinics to provide this knowledge for desperate, confused and emotionally afflicted women coming to terminate the lives of their child. By the help provided by “Right to Know” people, their decision could be made in a calm, well-informed, truthful and free atmosphere, not in a pressured, aggressive,  manipulating way by money hungry abortionists who would take advantage of these vulnerable victims to exploit them by not telling them the full truth and keeping them blind as to the facts.

Father Anthony Mellace

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