Stem Cell Truth
The foremost leading geneticist of Brazil from the University of Sao Paulo gave her talk on stem cell research. She, with profound wisdom and intelligence, destroyed all the myths concerning this issue. To begin with, she stated that we all have stem cells in our systems and do not need to get them from aborted embryos. Many people resolved their dermatological and neurological problems by resorting to the stem cells of their own skin and nerves. Others were cured of leukemia and spinal problems from other adult stem cells. Seventy-two successful cases were registered of people cured from the cells of other adults. To date, no known cure has been confirmed from the cells of aborted embryos. Worse still, researchers need to destroy many embryos (seven or eight) before they are even able to start working with them.
The argument of using stem cells from embryos really seems to be just a big hoax to reinforce the abortion argument. Stem cells can be morally obtained from ourselves, other adults and the umbilical cord of the mother. The conceived child does, however, transmit stem cells (in a mysteriously natural way), to its own mother and gives her health. There was a case of a woman who was gravely ill and also became pregnant. She regained her health thanks to the child within her womb, who conceded to her the stem cell she needed. Today we hear much about the woman’s life being “threatened by the child”, but are ignorant of the woman whose life was saved by her own child. How beautiful the situation of a mother giving life to her child and then receiving it back from it.
The law in Brazil prohibits stem cell research. It only allows the importation of embryos from the outside and their preservation in iceboxes, but no experimentation with them. The evil doctors in the nation are fighting to liberalize the law. The geneticist concluded by saying that much progress is being made in stem cell work and one day, we will even have our teeth reproduced (and the age of dentures will be gone forever!).
In her talk on May 26th, 2007, the geneticist from the University of Sao Paulo explained to the audience that the stem cells in every human being are responsible for providing the new cells that will replace the old and exhausted ones of our body. “There is a new you coming everyday!” was the song of a milk commercial years ago in America . The commercial was trying to make the point that we physically change everyday as old cells are being replaced by new cells. What commands and coordinates this modification and cell replacement is the main or genesis cell of our body nominated the “stem cell”. Scientists and researchers had discovered that stem cells can be taken from the very organs and bone marrow of the person in question, from other adults or the umbilical cord of the mother and placed in the body of the patient, to reproduce and recover the cells of lost organs in his body. The stem cell would do its job of producing the cells that the body needed.
If a doctor could use the stem cells of adults, why is he interested in utilizing those of an embryo? The reason is that the embryo has the complete set of stem cells that serve for the whole human body, while adult stem cells are limited and serve only for some specific organs. There is a drawback, however, in regard to the use of embryonic stem cells: they act three times faster than an adult stem cell. That is the reason why the cloned sheep “Dolly” aged so fast and died. Anyone receiving a stem cell from an embryo will find that his life span will be cut by 60%! The cell will act quickly in his body and he will find himself an old person at a young age. A second danger confirmed was the presence of tumors growing on the person’s organs with the application of embryonic stem cells.
The professor of bio-ethics who also spoke at our pro-life forum (Doctor Dalton Luiz Ramos, member of the Pontifical Academy for Life) noted that it not necessary for geneticists and scientists to do research on embryos in their concern for the solution to health problems. The time when humans were used as guinea pigs for medical experiments is long gone and unnecessary in our day. Science today has come to such perfection and efficiency that experiments can be conducted in other and safe ways without involving human beings. Those who would experiment on embryos really violate the correct scientific method, way, process and conduct in their research, knowing that there is no necessity in acting in this manner. It is simply an excuse to take advantage of human “byproducts” and make a buck off of them. The professor cited the example of Louis Pasteur, who had solicited the Emperor of Brazil to hand him over some condemned prisoners so that he could experiment on their bodies. Since they were condemned to death, he wanted to inject them with some concoctions that he had invented. The Emperor refused his request.
Scientists who do experiments on embryos need to wait until it multiplies its cells to a certain minimum quantity. The embryo also needs to be alive since a dead one is useless for stem cell research. In other words, a live human being needs to be tortured in order for monster surgeons to take advantage of his tiny body.
Are there stem cells for Multiple Sclerosis? The geneticist answered that science is working hard on this. It hasn’t come to a solution because the proteins present in the cell are easily exhausted and die. If they can somehow keep the proteins alive, we might have a wonderful cure for this problem that afflicts so many in societies.
Father Anthony Mellace
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