terça-feira, 20 de março de 2012

Who am I?

Who is Father Anthony Mellace?

           If you have nothing interesting to do,then don't miss the opportunity to come and read Father Anthony Mellace’s articles, the fiery promoter of  a "new way", (dealing with an exciting and historical break-through in human relationships). Anyone who has listened to his talks has never been the same after that (for better or for worse). I guarantee that it will be difficult to hear the like of his kind. He has kept his audiences spell-bound for hours and astounded them by the depth, originality and freshness of his ideas. Come to read someone who still speaks in the style of a Church Father.

         Father Mellace is neither conservative nor liberal and because of
this, is persecuted and rejected by followers of both tendencies. Father
Mellace is too intelligent to reduce himself to such infantile,
short-sighted and foolish categories, but calmly maintains and firmly
adheres to a balanced vision of a mature, human lifestyle and mentality. He
is not impressed by the great majority of writers and thinkers in vogue
today, but has an extreme difficulty in accepting them. Any author that does
not have a "St." before him does not enter into his bibliography.

        As a youngster, Father Mellace would rip up playboy magazines in
grocery stores and tear down calendars of nude chicks from a mechanic's
shop. He felt enraged that society allowed women to be treated as sexual
objects and took the matter into his own hands. While being chased by the
angry owners, he would shout out a defense in favor of purity and decency as he ran for his life.  At age 14, he sent his first article to a local
newspaper exposing the abortion issue as an argument used by the rich to
legalize their irresponsible sexual activities and to show their disdain and
contempt for the sacredness of human life.

      In high school, he publicly debated his atheistic friends in
cafeterias, gyms, or classrooms trying to show them the stupidity and
futility of their disbeliefs. In the seminary years of formation, he
provoked his professors by chiding and calling them to attention for their
teachings that defended birth control or denied the authenticity of Sacred
Scriptures and the miracles of Christ. The dean of the University, tired and
upset by so much controversy, disputations and arguments, decided to
dispense Father Mellace of future classes and granted him his degree without
any further necessity of academic studies.

     Freed from the dead scholasticism of the University, Fr. Mellace
prepared and fed his mind and heart with the official teachings of the
Catholic Church, the encyclicals of the Popes, the works of the Church
Fathers and the writings of the saints. He also read up on all the works of
holy and scholarly professors and scientists as well as all the chief
enemies of the Church and society. He was now ready to take on the world,
the devil and the flesh itself.

   During his thirty years as a missionary in Brazil, Father Mellace was
fiercely persecuted by the followers of Socialism (including many high
clergy members) and expelled from parishes and towns no less than twelve
times. Father Mellace would not go along with their thesis, but proclaimed
aloud the social doctrine of the Catholic Church (as Pope John Paul II, time
and time again, had asked all the clergy to do in South America). Besides
being Marxist inspired, the socialists also were in favor of abortion,
homosexuality, divorce and re-marriage as well as Communion to be given
to these groups. For his constant defense in favor of the rights of the
poor, homeless, jobless, sick, old, young, oppressed, and down-trodden, he
was greatly loved by the simple and humble people of the country (just as
much as he was hated by the proud and covetous). Even many of the rich
admired and followed him.

   Having learned the secret of an affirming love, he amazingly converted
regions that were considered to be well-nigh, morally lost. The most violent
city in the world (Diadema, with 1,100 deaths per month), was transformed
into an area of peace and friendship. Everywhere he went, the affirmation he
practiced provoked a response of enthusiasm, joy and love in people. The
radio program that he started with an audience of 14,000 soon rose to over
1,000 percent (144,000 listeners). Out of the ten books he published, three
went through eight editions. The affirmation retreats he gave were often
commented for many months by the participants, after they were over.

Optional information:

         While in Brazil, Father Mellace also discovered the natural healing
power hidden in the herbs of the Amazon forest. If people knew what richness lay there, they would dispense of 60% of pharmaceutical products and 90% of our modern surgeries would be rendered unnecessary. Father Anthony Mellace doesn't even use so much as an aspirin for a headache. He would rather just make a tea of Artemisia leaves. For pains and backaches, a hot cabbage leaf applied to the area does the trick and alleviates the problem. For ulcers, collard green juice, coco water or a fruit salad with yogurt and honey is also curative. Father Mellace has planted, in his backyard, the "Avalos" and Aloe Arboresecens plant that he brought with him from Brazil. This plants has been successful in healing many Latin women of breast cancer.

        There are many conventional ideas in the area of medicine that
Father Mellace rejects. To him, the AIDS issue is the biggest hoax that the
pharmaceutical and medical profession ever invented. According to Father
Mellace, it is not possible for one simple virus to destroy our entire
immunological system. The real culprit is cocaine, crack and heroin and anal sex practiced by homo-erotics and the injection of anti-biotics. They
are the true cause. Anyone who swallows a small glass of bleach will also
destroy his entire immunological system, but no virus under the sun
possesses such power to do that. Father Mellace knows of many people with
AIDS who, after many years, did not die, but are still alive. He also says
that what kills a cancer patient is not the cancerous cells, but the
chemotherapy that destroys healthy cells. Father Mellace is adamantly
against the use of chemicals in any physical treatment as far as this is possible.

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