sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

True Purpose of All Scripture

It is absolutely true that if the study of Sacred Scripture does not lead us to a greater love of God and neighbor (especially our own family members), then that analysis and reflection of the Word of God is a complete waste of time and practically worthless. We have gained nothing by it. I present Augustine's own words, and then a commentary of mine will follow:

“Whoever, then, thinks that he understands the Holy Scriptures, or any part of them, but puts such an interpretation upon them as does not tend to build up this twofold love of God and our neighbor, does not yet understand them as he ought.

 My commentary:
                         What great wisdom and intelligence in these words of Augustine! He defends and declares innocent those who might err in the interpretation of Scripture, but nonetheless are moved to love God and their neighbors after coming into contact with the Word of God. The reason being is that they learned and understood the essential message of the Holy Writings (which is Divine Love), despite the fact that they might have misconceived details of such things.

                     On the other hand, those who, after reading and interpreting Scripture, are further removed from the love of God and neighbor have therefore received their inspiration, not from the Holy Spirit, but from Satan himself. The whole intent and object of Scriptural study is to unite us to God and love of our neighbor, not his condemnation or rejection. What are the signs by which we can tell if our interpretation is leading us to or away from God and neighbor? The following are good criteria to judge oneself by:

1) If my interpretation of Scripture separates me from the Church I was born and raised in, then such inspiration is not of God, but of the devil. Martin Luther, as an Augustinian monk, should have been very well aware of this. The study of the Word of God is supposed to strengthen my Faith and union with my fellow co-religionists and Church members, not remove me from their fellowship. Our God is not the God of division, but of unity. His Word was written to unite, not divide us. Woe to those who use it to rent to pieces Christ's robe!

2) If the interpretation of Scripture has children reject the love and respect due to their parents and to treat them with negligence, scorn, and humiliation, then such studies are odious and despicable lies. The Word of God creates a greater openness, love, enthusiasm, consideration, giving, forgiveness, tolerance and respect for those who gave us human life.

3) if the interpretation of Scripture leads to rejections, intolerant and icy cold attitudes, impositions, separations, divisions and aggressions amongst brothers and sisters, along with denial of fraternal love and withholding of material assistance for those in need, then such conclusions are simply diabolical insights, and could never ever be something coming from the mouth of God or the Holy Spirit.

4) if such interpretation creates an arrogant attitude and disobedience before the proper and legitimate authorities of Sacred Scriptures, then such reflections on the Word of God are simply blind and personal conclusions not at all in conformity with the true spirit of understanding.

5) If the interpretation of Scripture has me condemn or threaten to hell and eternal chastisement those who do not see the Word of God as I believe it to be, but obligate such a person to violate his conscience by forcing him to accept it as I understood the text, then my inspiration is from Beelzebub himself.

Father Anthony Mellace 

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