quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

Powerful Devotions of Salvation

Let us remember the First Friday and First Saturday of the month. Let us take part in the devotions in order to reap the tremendous fruit and graces promised by Our Lord and Our Lady. In order to receive the benefit and guarantee of eternal salvation, we need to do the following:
    1) Confess our sins at least 8 days before or after the First Friday and Saturday

    2) Receive Holy Communion with the intention of reparating the sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (it is not necessary to participate in the Mass, though it is recommendable)

    3) To keep Our Lady company for 15 minutes by praying the rosary and meditating on its mysteries.

Why did Our Lady ask for 5 first Saturdays of each month? To reparate 5 types of offenses and blasphemies against her Immaculate Heart:

    1) blasphemies against her Immaculate Conception

    2) blasphemies against her Perpetual Virginity

    3) Blasphemies against her Divine Maternity, refusing, at the same time, to receive her as the mother of all men

    4) the sins of those who publicly seek to infuse indifference, scorn and hate against Mary in the hearts of children

    5) the sins of those who directly violate her sacred images

Those who complete this devotion are promised by her the graces necessary for salvation at the hour of their death.

There are some people who have theological problems with the devotion of the First Saturdays. They ask: how is it possible for Mary to promise salvation to someone? I answer with the following: How is that in history, there have been religious writers who were so bold as to declare that God literally chose and sent people either to hell or heaven? Who are they to "guarantee" and "confirm" someone's eternal destiny? if they can make such a statement, then, it is no problem for Mary to save someone from hell. After all, she has in her hands all of God's graces. An extremely rich banker is not worried about the sort of loans he can make out. He possesses the wealth necessary for this. Mary has, at her disposal, all the graces she needs to bring someone to heaven. She can set the conditions that she pleases.

Others will say that this way of doing things is simply too easy. Remember the lesson of Naaman the Syrian? He did not want to wash in the Jordan to cure his leprosy because he wanted something more complicated to do. His servant begged him to accept God's offer, knowing that God is very simple in what He does. Now, why should we complicate something that God has simplified, just to prove to ourselves that it has some value to it? Are we trying to say that we can do it better than God Himself? Further, the devotion of the five first Saturdays is not as easy as it seems. To try to get someone to be in the state of grace requires a strong will and heart. Not many are willing to do so. Another objection is that those who will do the first Saturdays will fall back into sin. It might occur, but God will permit them to suffer greatly during their lives in order to receive the necessary purification to prepare them for salvation.

Anthony Mellace

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