(A Message to All Pro-Lifers)
Dear Friends of the Unborn,
As many of you know, President Barak Obama, in an animated speech given to Planned Parenthood, said that the group should get off their defensive position in regards to abortion and to start doing some very strong counter-attacking against the pro-life movement. He proposed to help them and vowed to introduce the “Freedom of Choice Act” which would settle the abortion question once and for all. Since we have all been insulted by this arrogant Ivy poison leaf graduate, I believe that it is time for us to begin a moral preventive warfare.
We are to get to all the Senators and Federal representatives before he does. There are basically four types of politicians on Capitol Hill, independent of their party standing:
a) The first are those who have a Faith in God and belong to a particular religious congregation. We should all write to them and show how abortion is fundamentally inconsistent with religious practices and the following of God’s laws. We should have their pastors enter in contact with them and pressure them to be authentic in the following of their Faith by rejecting abortion in all its forms. The Catholic hierarchy is to come into contact with Catholic politicians and firmly enlighten them on the question of abortion and the inconsistency of supporting abortion as followers of the Church.
b) The second group is those who are married and have small children of their own. We should write to these and show them how abortion affects all children, family values and the foundation of society. We should have them reflect on the fact that abortion is murdering someone else’s child and if they could really accept that in their conscience.
c) The third group is those who have a sense of moral and human values and human dignity. We must reinforce their moral position and show them the horrors of abortion and how it is so opposed to all the values we hold dear in life and threatening to undermine all of society.
d) The fourth are those who do not give a hoot at all for human life and simply are there to defend the interests and high profits of financial organizations of the abortion industry. To these must be shown the disasters they are bringing on the nation by their attitudes and decisions. Those who are Catholics and have this mentality should be excommunicated in order to shake them into their senses in regards to baby killing.
The pro-life organizations of each State should contact their Federal political representatives and invite them to their meetings, talks, dialogues and lectures. They should enlighten and strengthen them on the question of human life and abortion. Obama, as senator, was invited to a Planned Parenthood meeting. Did any pro-life organization invite him to their meeting? Once all the pro-life groups have come in contact with their political representatives, they should gather their material together on a national level and see with how many they can really count with. If they gained a majority, then we can breathe easy because Obama will not be able to get the proposal through. It is time for Jesus to spit into the toilet these lukewarm souls that serve no purpose society or the Church.
Anthony Mellace
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