quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

Heavy Artillery over Brazil

Obama will go down in history as one of the most cynical, slyest, sneakiest, low down, shameless and cold blooded murderer of all world leaders. He is extremely ambitious and wastes not a second in attempting to put the globe under his grasping toes. Brazil for Obama is a big prize and he just can’t wait to see it succumb to his murderous baby butchering plans. His overseas money is hard at work in this country and he is shelling us with heavy artillery.
It is four o’clock in the morning for me and I cannot sleep thinking about the actions of this madman and maniac. On May 12, 2009, the Brazilian Congress approved of a law obligating the health insurance companies of Brazil to pay for free sterilization, oral contraceptives, condoms and IUDs to their contributing members. All this was done in the name of family planning and health!! The above mentioned are nothing more than female mutilations and chemical abortions within her womb. These are things that violate the Brazilian Constitution and her laws that defend human life. On May 13, 2009, the minister of health (who attempted to legalize abortion nine times and failed) put together an abortion video that he distributed freely to the thousands of schools around the country. It is nothing more than a lying propaganda of baby murder taken from the false testimony of 13 women. The minister of health is abusing his authority since his responsibility is to concern himself with the general health of the nation and not to piece together videos promoting abortions. This too, is a violation of the Constitution and the laws of the nation that guarantee the life of the unborn. All of these and future activities are financed with American blood money.
 Hillary Clinton’s visit to Brazil was to convince the political leaders and the people of the country to accept abortion. Obama also uses his clever ways to do this. He smiles his stupid and hypocritical smile and talks his rhetoric about how the blacks in Brazil contributed to her greatness and culture and how he is a part of this too. Then he  gets into women’s reproductive rights and says that the survival of democracy is based on such things, etc. etc. etc. He does everything possible to change the law.  In the meantime, what are the Brazilian bishops doing about the situation? Absolutely nothing!! They have been lulled to sleep. While the devil robs their sheep by the thousands, they spend their time planning pilgrimages to sanctuaries and being completely oblivious to the real dangers that face the country. They are not even aware of the fact that they are caught with their pants down and that abortion will creep into Brazil through the back door. Instead of vigorously reacting to all that is happening and being vigilantly on guard against the activities of the evil one, they are way out into left field.
I do not receive millions of dollars like the Socialist Party in Brazil did from Obama to promote abortion. I only make 350 dollars a month from the parish I work at. I spend 200 dollars of this money on pro-life activities, making anti-abortion videos and distributing them freely to pastors and people of influence in society. That is all I can do financially in regards to the defense of life. I am only a grain of sand on an endless beach. If Brazil is chastised for her wickedness in regards to the injustice towards the unborn by a wrathful God, I am will make sure that I am not around to see the fireworks. I will retire to some lonely spot in the interior of the country and attempt to save my life from the punishment. I have no part in the blood of this nation and I will seek refuge away from all the confusion and destruction that will certainly come.
Anthony Mellace

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